Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 21


          We speak to Patrick Headley        people over, we were focusing on   One thing I have found in the years
          Kojo, CEO and Founder of           Uganda at the time, and then Covid   of coming here, there are many
          Kiyiira Limited. What is the       came along and really put paid to   Diasporans who are seeking to
          meaning of  Kiyiira?               that project. But being multifacet-  reconnect with their identity, and as
          Kiyiira is one of the words the    ed, I was learning Kiswahili myself   you know I have been working with
          locals (in Uganda) use for the river   and the teacher that was teaching   Dr Tosu and he is very keen on that
          Nile, I have been told. And then   me expressed to me her views and   aspect of us reconnecting with iden-
          I looked at the further aspect that   her thoughts and I looked at what   tity in the Alkebulan principles and
          it flows all the way through Afri-  I could offer her and we started to   bringing them to the fore. I find that
          ka and I thought that would be a   develop the Kiswahili course, which   some will come with the mindset of
          great name to identify what I want   we now launched.                 the former, just to put it mildly, ‘we
          to achieve and the name of the                                        are coming to grab and take’. But
          company.                           Looking at the aspect of the Dias-  on the flip side, there are those that
                                             porans and the continental Afrikans   will see you with your accent as a
          Patrick has gone through the       there are some dynamics that need   walking dollar and they will want to
          various processes, explored        to be considered and there are some   take advantage.
                                             attitudes that need to be adjusted,
          different countries in East        on both sides. What I find is we in   So, we have to appreciate that there
          Afrika, and found a rhythm         the west have been set a stereotyp-  are dynamics here, so the question is
          and a formula that works           ical image, it’s changing now but   how do we create that bridge where
          for himself. He is building a      it’s still there. What I have found is   people can recognize that yes, the
          vision that is far bigger than     when you do come to the continent,   transatlantic slave trade was horrific
          the money. His ultimate aim        you have to come and be humble,    and it lasted for a long time, but that
          is building up societies, com-     because you may see the people     put a great deal of our people in a
          munities and families and          living in a different condition than   place where they didn’t belong, but
          he is using the tools that are     you would live in or putting up with   they learnt to adapt and they have
          available to him, based on his     something that you wouldn’t put    now gained knowledge and skills
          training. He talks to us about     up with. You have to respect their   which maybe are not necessarily
          Diaspora Investment in Afrika.     background and where they’re com-  available here. You have to look
                                             ing from and the limitation that has
                                                                                at how can we do that knowledge
          It is my pleasure to speak about   been placed on them by the system,   transfer, how can we come and give
          my experience through my visits    which is still perpetuating from   and develop? One of the things I
          to Afrika. I have been traveling the   independence. As you know most   have said to myself, if I come to
          continent for a long time and I have   of the countries are in the region   the continent, I am coming to give
          always been looking at how, given   of about 50-60 years independent,   back to something, I am coming to
          my knowledge and my background     and some things have changed,      develop something, I’m certainly not
          and my various skills being in IT,   and some countries are running to   coming to take a job from a local
          Broadcasting and also in Property   catch up, and that creates issues in   person. I’m looking to help a local
          Markets, how can I give back to my   itself. You will come as someone   person find a job and find a path
          continent? It has not been without   that’s lived in the western world, and   that they would not have had.
          its challenges and it has not been   you’re used to things just working
          without failed attempts, misunder-  and you have to respect where the   Moving forward, one of my biggest
          standings, some pleasant and some   people are coming from and not    dreams is, and it’s not going to be
          not so pleasant.
                                             look down on them, but understand   in my lifetime, because I know that
                                             that they are a pool of talent that   we are just passing the baton on
          Just before Covid, one of the mis-  you can tap into because they will   to the next generation, is to really
          sions that I was developing was to   have knowledge of things that you   see a closer connection. I would
          attract investors from the west and   will never ever be able to appreciate.   like to see my people everywhere
          partner them with small farmers or   That’s where I found myself in my   in the world identifying with each
          small investors or small projects that   visits to the continent and being a   other through a common language
          they can collaborate with. That was   very open person, I have looked at   because we all know we come from
          going fairly well. We actually got to   how I can work with individuals and   a common land. That is why I am
          the stage where we brought some
                                             that’s brought me to this point.   so keen and working so hard to

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 21 | MARCH 2022         21
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