Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 25
the level that it is capable of going
to every Afrikan country to stop any
terrorist and stop any coup d’état.
And we are able to do that our-
Point number five is to prepare a
new constitution for the Pan-Af-
rican Parliament which should be
done in terms of languages. We
have got 2200 languages. As you
know with Agenda 2063, which is in
the process of being implemented
by 2063, we will be able to be united
as one continent, one country; we
have to base our unity in terms of
languages instead of countries. We
know languages are crossing borders
it will help us to unite by respecting
our diversity.
Number six is to dissolve all the
subregions. We know that we have
got almost 39 sub-regions such
Afrika has got a lot of subregions companies that are already opera- each other. I am sorry to use this
where one country, for example, tional. strong word. It is so urgent that we
Kenya belongs to 10 of them, Bu- The last one is to call to all Pan-Af- act now and no one is going to act
rundi belongs to 11 of them. And rikanists to stop talking about the for us.
We have seen with this Covid 19
past. Speaking about the past is not
all of them are seeking markets but
behind are also seeking projects that necessary. We spoke about Europe- how they didn’t even help us with
are financed by the west. Once we an Union; we know enough about this vaccine. So, we have to enter
look at the continental scope and that. Now Russians are coming, into globalization with full force
just support the African trade agree- Indians are coming, Pakistanis with our own finances and we are
are coming because they see the
capable to create an institution that
ment secretariat which is in Ghana,
we will be able to move much faster. emptiness for us not to do anything, can become like IMF and World
The last one is the point about which is really threatening us. The Bank. When you look at all those
industrialization. Afrika is capable only solution for Afrika is Afrika’s statistics out there, we are capable
of industrializing itself in 10-20 financial independence from the of doing that with continental tax
which we can establish with other
west, from IMF, World Bank, Exim
years but they have to now look at
the debt and government itself to Bank and ICBN bank from China. Afrikan countries.
initiate finances the way they initiate
finances for roads and infrastruc- Once we create that institution, we Concerning introducing a con-
ture. They go and open industrial ar- will be able to deal with the prob- tinental tax as a plan for rising
lems that we have.
out of poverty, for instance, in a
eas, import machinery that is cheap
and then sell those industries when Our population is going to triple. country like Kenya where ac-
they reach the growth phase, usually We’re moving from 1.3 billion countability of public bodies has
it’s 2-4 years. They sell to the private people to 2.8 billion people by 2060 been very low and it has been
sector. They don’t keep them. They to 4 billion people by 2100 if we embarrassing and even painful to
don’t do something now, we make
the people. Is there going to be a
look at the product they usually
import not at the strategic sectors together our 54 markets with this possibility of us giving money to
only, even on the normal products integrated high-speed railway, we one central place as Afrikans, and
like shoes or computers. They open electrify our continent, we are not trusting that the money is not
those industries and sell to private going to get industrialization in our going to be stolen and that it is
going to be put to good use?
continent, we are just going to eat
sectors; private sectors like to buy