Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 28


          you manage the issue of  trans-    Afrika on data imagine if you get   minerals. So, once there’s this high-
          parency, who do you envision       something there you can get money;   speed railway, because some of the
          managing such a fund and roll-     we are about to spend 250million on   minerals are so heavy you cannot
          ing it out?                        air tickets, we can get taxes there.   use the roads to transport them to
          As I said, 55 countries will sit to-                                  the sea, they will be able to increase
          gether and create the Pan-African   For example, Nigeria VAT is 7.5%   wealth unbelievably the way we
          Infrastructure Fund. It must be an   in Europe they are more than 20-  see Sweden and other countries in
          organization that has enough power   25%, In Kenya 16%, in Rwanda I   Europe. These countries will be the
          to go out there and create continen-  think is 18 in Burundi 17 around   richest instead of being the poorest
          tal taxes; they will work with the pri-  there. It is so low that even if you   in the world.
          vate sector. There is enough private   add 1% it won’t really affect the
          sector out there internationally, you   economies or lives of our people.   These are two things under the
          just show them go and collect this   That’s the very important thing that   integrated high-speed railway, we
          money they will collect this money   we should know it won’t affect our   see our GDP in Afrika growing and
          on our behalf. They might not col-  people.                           doubling and it will increase a lot in
          lect 100% they will collect for sure   The second one is a technical   terms of investment in the conti-
          80%, we will succeed to get 80% at   aspect: how can we collect them   nent.
          least. These other things are techni-  efficiently? There are many ways, the   The Grand Inga Dam will have
          cal aspects. We have first to agree on   only good way is to use the private   installed electricity of 40 – 45000
          a philosophical aspect: do we need   sector and to have a positive mind   MW. This is capable of giving each
          this fund? That’s the first point, then   to know that starting from there we   Afrikan (country) 75-700 MW
          we go to the aspect of how we can   will gradually make it, perfect it and   of electricity each so we are able
          collect this money efficiently the   make sure that corruption is ending;   to have stable electricity in each
          only way is for the private sector to   but we have to start collecting our   Afrikan country. 50% of Afrikan
          collect that money on our behalf.  own finances.                      countries have got, as we speak
                                                                                now, less than 500MW of installed
          Why do you believe so strongly in   I definitely agree with you be-   electricity. Like in my country they
          them?                              cause the dependency of  this      have 200 or 150MW, they are trying
          Because they do that in many coun-  continent on foreign aid, on      their best to have more electricity
          tries and it’s easy to do that. And I   handouts, on loans from foreign   but it is very low. There are many
          think we have no choice first, sec-  countries, has actually contribut-  countries out there in Afrika when
          ondly, the fact that people don’t like   ed to our imprisonment and it’s   investors come, they get electricity
          taxes we can call it a contribution,   very devastating and we really   today tomorrow there’s no electrici-
          but we must remember out there,    need to break out of  it. So, if    ty, they will obviously not be able to
          there is something called Assessed   there is a way to do this, we need   industrialize Afrika. So, we have got
          Contribution, countries that should   to look into it as a priority. So,   this Grand Inga Dam which already
          contribute to the African Union,   do you see these funds as being    many studies have been done but
          50% of them every year are not     allocated specifically to the Inga   they never want to finance it.
          paying. Let’s start and that question   Dam and to the High-Speed
          will be on the process to study and   Railway and the Africa Standby   In 2014 the World Bank accepted to
          deal with that. To say, no let’s not do   Force or how else do you see   finance it because there were many
          it because there will be corruption,   them being allocated?          pressures to do that, they found that
          we usually collect taxes even if there   There are 10 main projects under   it was so important for Afrika to get
          is corruption. Also, Afrikan people,   Agenda 2063 but this integrated   this electricity, then an organization
          I am sure they will support that idea.  high-speed railway is so important   called International River, which is
          The taxes that are charged in Eu-  because it will connect 55 markets   fighting Grand Inga Dam came. In
          rope at 50%, no one likes the taxes   so that we can be able to interact   2014 they asked the US Congress
          but the fact that they are helping   and share goods under our trade   to vote against the financing of
          them somehow, they accept them.    agreement. The second point is     this Grand Inga Dam by the World
          I think the people will accept taxes   that 30% of Afrikan countries are   Bank. So, they stopped this financ-
          and it is not even too much. Imagine   landlocked and these countries are   ing so the World Bank said it would
          we are going to spend 300billion   the poorest on earth and yet they   finance small projects on solar and
          dollars for the next 10-15 years in   are the richest countries in terms of   other things but this is not enough

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