Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 29
to industrialize Afrika, we need this Ethiopia and other things that are others but on an equal level.
Grand Inga, it is inevitable. going on, how will we safeguard an
Afrikan fund created through taxes This is a huge responsibility to us;
International River did not stop to make sure we are able to achieve it is very hard to see every year 55
there, it came to South Afrika in our goals? presidents go to meet one presi-
2019 because South Afrika was dent who promised you 30 billion
planning to finance Grand Inga II; The problem is that these presidents which will come just like that but
Grand Inga Dam has three phases. are killed every time is because they we do not know how it has come.
This NGO came to parliament act separately, so we have to act as a This is very bad; it shows that our
in South Afrika asking them not group. We don’t have to let a presi- presidents are desperate. There are
to finance this project and telling dent show that he is at the forefront good presidents in this generation
the South Afrikan government it of these kinds of strong ideas. We but they are desperate and when you
will bring more loans to Eskom; have to make sure all presidents act go to the high places is when you
it would be a huge burden. This at one time at the same thing. see that Afrika does not belong to
organization is supposed to fight Afrikans. It will only belong to us
for rivers, for ecology and so on, for I don’t think at that stage in the when activists impose the proper
environmental aspects now is speak- 1960s that Europe wanted Afrika way of taking care of Afrika and
ing about the burden on economics. to create African union, so it was this corruption will gradually end as
They fight a lot against this Grand an initiative they took all together. we are becoming more independent
Inga Dam and in the process, we Even this initiative of the Afrikan financially. We have to be financially
have found that for Inga Dam there trade agreement you can see it has independent of the west and we
are many rich people that are financ- been successful overnight, so if have to create our monetary system.
ing these NGOs like George Soros. we sit together and decide we are When you have a big market then
creating this and not let one pres- you are able to create a monetary
Studies done by many companies ident try to promote this alone or system with Afro, our currency sys-
that are supposed to build the one organization try to promote this tem, backed by gold, then you can
Grand Inga Dam have shown that alone. We have to make sure Afrika make available as much money as
there will not be any environmental is growing very fast and Afrika is possible to Afrikan people and then
problems with building this Inga. multiplying the way Israeli people in you can start to produce as Chinese
So, you can see clearly without our Egypt were growing and multiplying people are doing.
money we will always be delayed but Pharaoh was angry and jealous. But to do that we have to make sure
and Afrika will stay in the dark. We won’t miss our Pharaoh but this that we are free financially because
The more we don’t have our own cannot stop us to think much harder there will be diplomatic influence
electricity the more we go deeper and get strategies, but the first strat- to make sure that this country is
into trouble. We have to create our egy we must have is to be able to voting against it, but what we can
own IMF and World Bank then we work as one. do as Pan-Afrikanists is to pres-
will be able to handle these conti- sure and create debate and division
nental infrastructures then we can As Pan-Afrikanists there is a lack, among our leaders until they vote
go into local and regional infrastruc- there is an emptiness of pan-Afri- it, because this continent belongs to
tures. kanists to go as activists to push our us. If we act together, we will easily
leaders because these institutions succeed. It will not take three years
With the interference from the west belong to us. To get there we must from now to create these conti-
from people like International River, stop complaining urgently. We must nental taxes and then the technical
Soros, the US Government and so be sure of our intrinsic innate value aspect will follow on how it will be
on in investment into Inga Dam that we have been given by God, created.
and into other things in Afrika. For not by people. I am not free be-
instance, how they killed Gadaffi cause United States gave me rights, To connect with Chris Ndayiragije,
and all the coups they have started I am not free because the Charter please use panafricandestiny@gmail.
on the continent and the different of Human Rights gave me rights. I com.
problems they have created for the have my own intrinsic value given
continent Afrika to prevent Afri- by God. So, what belongs to Afrika
ka from moving forward; such as should belong to Afrikans it does
the opposition to the GERD in not mean that we will not share with