Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 31


                                             If we are talking about engineers,
                                             can there be enough worksites or
                                             factories that train young engineers?
                                             If we are talking about doctors, can
                                             there be enough hospitals and herb-
                                             al clinics that train young doctors?
                                             If we are talking about teachers, can
                                             there be more than enough schools
                                             that allow our young teachers to op-
                                             erate comfortably? Our young folks
                                             have an innate desire to learn and
                                             sharpen their skills within different
                                             industries in Afrika, if only they are
                                             allowed to.

                                             Finally, the skills acquired by our
                                             people be they technical or cognitive
                                             are a summation of the vision of
                                             where Afrika needs to be. Afrikans
                                             who are consuming the right educa-
                                             tion system, which in turn does not
                                             make them enslaved to norms, can
                                             fix mitigating factors such as pover-
                                             ty, diseases and poor infrastructure.
          has the youngest population in the   Probably if you were to make com-
          world and their interest in adopting   parisons between foreign education
          new trends, workmanship and tech-
          nology is sky rocketing. So, learning   systems by the West, you would
          institutions are required to take into   find that they deploy very direct but
                                             comprehensive areas of learning
          account all the emerging trends in   that are industry specific or advised
          skills development and guide learn-  by the job market. Some of those
          ers thoroughly on their expectations.
          Any underwhelming results by the   learning institutions play crucial
          learning institutions should be ad-  roles such as advising their govern-
                                             ments in areas of national security
          dressed and corrected immediately   and research policies. When the
          because it will determine the future   market experiences slight changes,
          of subsequent generations.
                                             the learning institutions correspond
                                             by adjusting their learning curricula
          Third, for any learner to enjoy the   and outcomes as well. The net effect
          liberty of exercising and honing   of this is that a country will have
          his skills, there should be a viable   the right skills for the right purposes
          operating political and socio-eco-
          nomic environment combined with    and the next generations will stand
          relevant fiscal policies. In simpler   to benefit from the approach that
                                             was taken, and the least they can
          terms, the government of the day   do is pay it forward. Therefore, it is
          should be more than committed to   time for us to denounce inferior ed-
          providing an enabling environment
          where an ordinary person can offer   ucational systems that have for years
          her skills in developing her country   made their victims feel entitled to
                                             only earn titles in white-collar jobs.
          and Afrika as a whole. Well to some   The aim should be to empower the
          leaders this is a big ask since little   people to become creative, visionary
          can be said about how enabling
          Afrika’s environment is in growing   and skilled but not grilled.
          of skills.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 21 | MARCH 2022         31
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