Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 30
he position of compe- problems. The opposite would also
tence that Afrika exhibits be true. When the curve stipulates
in dealing with its prob- a more than 70% transition rate of
Tlems is extremely want- graduands, it suffices to say that the
ing. It is in this regard that today existing education system is relevant
I seek you to join me at a vantage to the needs of the job market. It
point as we explore and possibly should be noted that these statistics Robert Macharia
diagnose the ailing educational may be dependent on other factors The author is a mentor, trainer and writer
systems that bedevil the Afrikan that have no guarantees of remain-
continent. ing constant, such as social, eco- bearing adequate experiences in business
nomic and political factors. development and brand management success.
First, to effectively assess an edu-
cational system as being impactful, Second, is it not important for a
one has to establish the transition country to take stock of the unique,
rate of learners from tertiary insti- multicultural and dynamic skills
tutions and into gainful sources of that are required to propel her to These scathing mental attacks on
occupation. If the curve registers an unmatched competitive position our people have now made the
a transition rate of 50% and be- globally? Many negative things have majority of us believe that indeed
low within a prolonged period of been said about the abilities of Afri- we shall never match up to the
time or number of years, then it is kan countries in regard to industrial- superiority of ‘First World Class.’
safe to conclude that the education ization, infrastructural development However, this is far from the truth
system in use has huge underlying and technological advancements. because as it stands now, Afrika
30 | we tell the true afrikan story