Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 35

Health & Healing

          than 13,000 square miles ― larger
          than the states of Connecticut, Del-
          aware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachu-
          setts, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
          Rhode Island, or Vermont. But,
          because of “freedom of choice,”
          these billions of children will never
          see the light of day.

          Holding Hands
          If these 62 million babies had been
          born and had grown up, then had
          gotten together to hold hands, the   The Vietnam Memorial
          resulting line would stretch around
          the world at the equator more than
          two and a half times ― more than   to the East.                       a fully loaded jumbo jet crashing
          65,000 miles!                                                         every 12 hours, year-round, with no
                                             The “Marching Aborted”             survivors.
          A Much Larger “Quilt Project”      During the height of the popula-   We can adapt this visual imagery for
          For several years, American homo-  tion scare in the late 1960s, bigoted   the aborted babies. For example, any
          phile activists promoted the “Quilt   anti-population alarmists sometimes   community would mourn for weeks
          Project,” where 3-foot by 6-foot   referred to their fear of “the march-  if a school bus full of fifty children
          rectangles of cloth decorated with   ing Chinese.” They meant that the   crashed, killing all inside. If we as-
          the stories of victim’s lives were laid   population of the People’s Republic   sume that the abortion mills in this
          side by side. The primary purposes   of China was increasing so fast (21   country are operating fifty hours per
          of this project were to generate   million per year at that time) that the   week, fifty babies are killed every
          sympathy and show the magnitude    Chinese could march two abreast    eight minutes!
          of the AIDS epidemic. The largest   past a single point and never have
          such display to date has covered an   the same person pass twice.     A pro-life debater could also tailor
          area equivalent to a football field.                                  this image to a local abortuary ― for
                                             We can adapt this concept to de-   example, one that killed 2,500 babies
          If 62 million of these quilts were   scribe the magnitude of the “march-  every year would be equivalent to a
          laid down adjacent to each other,   ing aborted.” There are about 73   fifty-child school bus crashing every
          one for each aborted preborn baby,   million surgical and medical abor-  week.
          it would cover an area of 39 square   tions committed all over the world
          miles!                             annually. If these children marched   The Dead States
                                             past one point continuously for 24   Abortionists have killed a number
          This quilt would easily blanket the   hours a day, they would be more   of children more than the combined
          central districts of any large city.   than four abreast.             populations of eighteen states:
          You can mention landmarks bound-                                      Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho,
          ing this area in the appropriate city   Crashing School Buses         Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri,
          in order to strengthen your point.   The World Health Organization    Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
          For example, let us suppose that a   claims that around the world each   Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
          circular quilt commemorating all of   year “4.7–13.2% of maternal deaths   South Dakota, Utah, Washington.
          the preborn babies in the United   can be attributed to unsafe abor-  and Wyoming. A map of the US
          States who have died from abortion   tion…. In developed regions, it is   with all of these states blacked out
          were laid over Washington, D.C.,   estimated that 30 women die for    is a real attention-grabber. This
          centering on the White House. This   every 100,000 unsafe abortions. In   gives an audience some idea of the
          quilt would cover Crystal City and   developing regions, that number   colossal magnitude of the abortion
          Reagan National Airport in the     rises to 220 deaths per 100,000    disaster.
          South, the Smithsonian Zoo in the   unsafe abortions.” This is roughly
          North, all of Georgetown in the    the equivalent to the death toll of   But if someone thinks that this is
          West and the National Arboretum                                       not particularly impressive since

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