Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 37
formed a survey of a large number
of women obtaining late-term
abortions and asked them their
reasons for doing so.1 It found that
only about one percent of sec-
ond- and third-trimester abortions
are performed for fetal anomalies,
or eugenics. Almost half (45%)
of the women surveyed said that
they didn’t know about the preg-
nancy; one-fourth (27%) said that
American female. According to the 2011 black person simply vanished from they found it hard to arrange an
Abortion Surveillance Report issued by the the American South ― from El earlier abortion; 20% said that they
Center for Disease Control, black women Paso, Texas, to the Outer Banks of disagreed about the abortion with
make up 14 percent of the childbearing North Carolina and from Knoxville, the child’s father; and the rest gave
population, yet obtained 36.2 percent of Tennessee, to Key West, Florida. reasons such as taking their time to
reported abortions. Black women have That is roughly the number of Afri- decide.
the highest abortion ratio in the country, can American preborn children who
with 474 abortions per 1,000 live births. have been killed by legal abortion. Final Thoughts
Percentages at these levels illustrate that Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director
more than 19 million black babies have Put another way, black patients of the National Coalition of Abor-
been aborted since 1973. accounted for 28% of abortion tion Providers, said:
procedures. In 2014, there were
Four years later, we see continued 259,333 black Americans killed by When you’re a doctor who does these
evidence. According to the CDC’s abortion. When we do some math, [partial-birth] abortions and the leaders
latest surveillance report (2019): we find that 710.5 babies were killed of your movement appear before Congress
every day that year. At 710.5 per day, and go on network news and say these pro-
Among the 30 areas that reported race it takes just under five days for 3,446 cedures are done in only the most tragic of
by ethnicity data for 2019, non-Hispanic black Americans to be killed by circumstances, how do you think it makes
White women and non-Hispanic Black abortion. That’s the same number you feel? You know they’re primarily done
women accounted for the largest percentages that was killed by lynching between on healthy women and healthy fetuses, and
of all abortions (33.4% and 38.4%, 1882 and 1968. it makes you feel like a dirty little abor-
respectively), and Hispanic women and tionist with a dirty little secret…. I think
non-Hispanic women in the other race Late-Term Abortion Statistics we should tell them the truth, let them vote
category accounted for smaller percentag- As far as late-term (second- and and move on.
es (21.0% and 7.2%, respectively)…. third-trimester) abortions are
Non-Hispanic White women had the concerned, we have heard a con- We have allowed the abortion indus-
lowest abortion rate (6.6 abortions per stant drumbeat of propaganda try and its supporters to keep their
1,000 women) and ratio (117 abortions from the pro-abortionists and their “dirty little secrets” for far too long.
per 1,000 live births), and non-Hispanic media toadies about just how rare The only cure for this campaign of
Black women had the highest abortion they are and how they are only lies is for every single pro-life per-
rate (23.8 abortions per 1,000 women) performed for the most serious son to learn the issues and then to
and ratio (386 abortions per 1,000 live conditions. During the battle over talk about them with everyone they
births). the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, know ― friends, family members,
Planned Parenthood claimed, “The fellow churchgoers, and cowork-
We have seen that the US’ 62 million procedure, dilation and extraction ers. Only a widespread program of
abortions have wiped out more (D&X), is extremely rare and done education conducted by millions of
than the equivalent population of only in cases when the woman’s life persistent pro-lifers will remedy the
eighteen western states that cover is in danger or in cases of extreme false impressions the public has on
more than one-half of the area of fetal abnormality.” abortion. When this happens, pro-
the contiguous United States. Now life victory will be much nearer.
imagine for a moment that every The Guttmacher Institute per-