Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 34

Health & Healing

                                                                               Vietnam Memorial in Washington,
                                                                               D.C. This memorial is a shiny black
                                                                               wall that stretches 492 feet and lists
                                                                               the names of the 58,209 known
                                                                               Americans killed in that war. If such
                                                                               a wall listed the names of the more
                                                                               than 62 million babies legally killed
                                                                               by surgical and medical abortions in
                                                                               the United States, it would be over
                                                                               90 miles long!

                                                                               Knowing that there are 73 million
                                                                               abortions worldwide each year, the
         ic preborn babies whom they will                                      number of abortions in just 38 years
         never see.                         we can frame the issue in terms that   would equal about 2.78 billion pre-
                                            people understand and will therefore   born babies wiped out by surgical
         Pro-abortionists tend to strongly   remember.                         and medical abortions worldwide. If
         resist using hard facts and statistics                                we built a way to commemorate just
         because they do not support the    The statistic is sobering: As of   these, it would stretch more than
         “pro-choice” position. Instead, they   February 2021, there have been over   a thousand miles farther than the
         ignore facts and statistics and lean   62 million legal surgical and medical   distance from Los Angeles to New
         on emotional appeals and feelings to   abortions in the United States.  York City.
         make their points.
                                            The worst year was 1990 with       Cemeteries for Preborn Babies
         When we use documented statistics   1,608,600 abortions; since then, the   Pro-life activists frequently set up
         backed up by visual imagery during   number of abortions has declined   temporary displays of thousands of
         written or oral attempts to persuade,   almost every year to the current   crosses representing the number of
         we elevate the debate above emo-   level of just under 900,000 annually,   preborn babies killed by abortions
         tions and appeal directly to logic   partly due to never-ending pro-life   in the United States every day. These
         and reason. No pro-abortionist can   efforts and partly due to the “rip-  crosses make a riveting display of
         refute documented statistics ― es-  ple effect” of having fewer young   the brutal reality of abortion (at
         pecially when they originate with   women who are aborting. This      least until they are torn down by
         pro-abortion sources, which elimi-  phenomenon is itself a reflection   pro-abortion vandals). If standard
         nates the inevitable accusations of   of the sad fact that there are fewer   burial plots were allocated to each
         “anti-choice bias.”                young women because many of        preborn child killed by surgical
                                            their would-have-been mothers were   abortion in the United States, the re-
         Illustrating Statistics on Abortion  themselves aborted 20 to 25 years   sulting cemetery would cover more
         The old saying that a picture is   ago.                               than 300 square miles.
         worth a thousand words has nev-
         er been more important, because    The Vietnam Memorial               If there were a cemetery for all of
         people these days are persuaded by   A good way to get people to think   the 2.78 billion preborn babies killed
         imagery, not words. Therefore, we   is by asking if they have visited the   by surgical abortions in the world
         can increase our impact by painting                                   since 1960, it would cover more
         vivid “word pictures” to illustrate
         our points during discussions or

         A pro-lifer makes a tremendous
         impact on listeners by using his
         imagination to relate the abortion
         issue to everyday images that people
         are familiar with. In other words,

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