Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 43
lay down its plans for which foods because they also once had the same
to push as staple foods and so on. desire to pioneer fields and areas of
Everyone is in agreement without society that others would not? Is it
even taking the time to ask why. Par- because they faced the same pres-
ticularly when it has been discovered sure to conform and they gave in,
that there are certain regions of the while these are demonstrating that it
world, now known as Blue Zones, is possible to shake off the pressure
where the inhabitants typically and keep going and they are sad-
live to be over 100 with no health dened by the opportunities that they
problems, no memory issues, and missed? I sincerely do not know. It
with no need for prescription drugs. is as if they forget that the maver-
While those following the ‘nor- icks who they love to celebrate ac-
Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Mag- mal’ diet and lifestyle are suddenly tually had to go against convention
azine and the host of Msingi Afrika Television. Her struggling with issues like increased again and again in order to attain
hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen, dementia, diabetes, cancer, hyper- greatness, while the conformers turn
for the transformation of the people and the continent of tension and so on. In fact, if you into their mindless persecutors again
Afrika - and the world. compare the Mediterranean Diet and again… before becoming the
Pyramid, which has components ones who celebrate them for their
of social interaction and lifestyle daring and enjoying the benefits of
This is the language of conformity incorporated into it, and you look change that society is now reaping
that is a revealer of the outcome of at it against the conventional Food from the new life and fresh wind
socialization that has taken place Pyramid, the differences are stark – that has come their way because of
over years. If you listen closely to as are the outcomes of each. So, in the actions and courage of these
the conversations and the answers cases like these, how is ‘normal’ a unique few.
that are shared, you will hear the useful thing? I think that too many people are
globally interconnected world and living ignorant of their purposes in
mindset interacting with itself. The Romanian born playwright, Eugène life, and, having chosen to reject the
questions and answers will be based Ionesco, said “The supreme trick of greater heights to which they can
not only on local context but on mass insanity is that it persuades you rise, they are stuck with a reality that
international guidelines as well. that the only abnormal person is the is worse than boring. It is hell and
Reference points for sources of one who refuses to join in the mad- nothing less. So, because they do
information that supply the meat for ness of others, the one who tries not want to live in hell by them-
interactions and bonding between vainly to resist. We will never under- selves, they drag others who are like
people have increased – yet they stand totalitarianism if we do not them into this same life of torment
have not. I will explain. understand that people rarely have to live alongside one another in
the strength to be uncommon.” agreement with the low, meaningless
Most people around the world are Meaning that most people seek to and useless standards that they have
reading from the same book, oddly conform to the ‘norm’ because they embraced. They gather together in
enough without either realizing it do not want to stand out. Why? broods, like chickens, and cluck and
or questioning it. When it comes Because those who tend toward say, “My feathers look less shiny to-
to matters of nutrition, so-called uniqueness and daring often face the day, is this normal?” While the rest
experts around the world have ‘wrath’ of the conformists who are of the chickens respond with “Mine
agreed with one another on what incensed at their boldness expressed too, so we must be fine.”
the ‘standards’ of ‘good nutrition’ in their difference from everybody
are. Between the World Health else. I don’t know why people get so But it is not normal to be mediocre.
Organization and national minis- annoyed at those who swim up- It is simply unacceptable to live any-
tries of health, government health stream and try new things, yet most where below the highest standard
authorities, nutritional practitioners, of the accolades and trophies, later available to mankind – that is living
media and educators, the narrative on, are given by these conformists your God-given mandate each and
is set about what ‘good nutrition’ is, to the people who braved new fron- every single day that you are alive!
what should be on the food pyramid tiers and won. Is it because it is a And let no one claim otherwise.
etc. What this does is then provide judgment is placed against them and
a basis for the agricultural sector to their dull and mundane choices, or