Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 48

Food Health

          and indeed the world”.

          The situation has worsened over the
          last few years, as the agribusiness
          model requires constant expansion
          of its boundaries, and as a result is
          now encroaching on the region’s
          most fragile ecosystems: the Bra-
          zilian Cerrado, the Amazon region,
          and the Gran Chaco. Some data is
          provided in the next paragraph to
          demonstrate the scale of the issue
          and its context: use of illegal mecha-
          nisms to take over land for industrial   2020, the Cerrado lost 19.8% of its   instruments used for land grabbing
          livestock production and farming,   native vegetation, corresponding   (known as “grilagem” in Brazil)
          violence against local communities,   to 26,500,000 hectares—an area   which is part of the extension of
          and the complicity of the States in   bigger than Piauí. The expansion of   the capitalist agricultural frontier
          these land grabs.                  agriculture and livestock production   into the land of indigenous peoples
                                             in the biome over the same peri-   and traditional communities”.
          In the Cerrado region of Brazil,   od almost exactly mirrors this—
          over 850 thousand hectares of bi-  26,200,000 hectares were given over   In the north of the Amazon region,
          ome were destroyed between August   to this activity. Currently, agriculture   in Colombia, livestock farming
          2020 and July 2021, according to   and livestock production make up   has developed at such a rate that 1
          the latest report from the National   44.2% of the biome. Ane Alencar,   million head of cattle were added
          Institute for Space Research (INPE),   Director of Science at the IPAM   between 2016 and 2019, bringing
          a research unit of the Brazilian   (Amazon Environmental Research     the total up to 2,021,829. Over these
          Ministry of Science, Technology,   Institute) states this in clear terms:   three years, 300,415 hectares were
          and Innovations (MCTI). Within the   “For years, MATOPIBA has been    deforested in the municipalities of
          Cerrado, the region of MATOPIBA    one of the regions of the country   San Vicente del Caguán, Cartagena
          (composed of the states of Maran-  where most native vegetation has   del Chairá, La Macarena, San José
          hão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia) has   been converted into agricultural   del Guaviare, El Retorno, Cala-
          seen the worst increase in deforesta-  land”.                         mar, Miraflores, and Solano, all of
          tion— 61.3% (522,700 hectares) of                                     which are part of this region. The
          the total biome destroyed between   In the Amazon region, deforestation   figures on land concentration in
          August 2020 and July 2021 was lo-  and deliberately started forest fires   Colombia, as in almost all of Latin
          cated in this region. The 2002-2021   have also been directly linked to   America, are staggering—according
          Prodes programme, which calculates   agribusiness and its land-grabbing   to the 2019 National Agricultural
          deforestation in the Amazon using   strategies. In August 2019, a group   Survey (CNA), 73.8% of the area
          satellites, has declared this a new   of landowners hatched a plan to   in hectares is concentrated in 0.2%
          record; even worse than 2017, when   burn an expanse of the Brazilian   of the agricultural production units
          61.1% of deforestation in the Cerra-  Amazon forest in the south-west-  (UPAs). This survey also shows that
          do took place within the region.   ern region of the state of Pará, on   77.9% of the total productive area
                                             what became known as the “Day      of 50 million hectares is occupied
          According to the platform MapBio-  of Fire”. The next year, further to   by livestock production activities.
          mas, Tocantins and Maranhão, in    the south, fires started on livestock
          that order, are the states which have   farms supplying the large meat-  In Argentina, a recent report from
          lost most native savannah vegetation   packing systems quickly spread   LandMatrix reveals that 20,000 hect-
          over the last decade. This initiative   and ravaged 4.1 million hectares of   ares were deforested in the Chaco
          has revealed that in the MATOPI-   the Pantanal wetlands which run    Salteño region in 2020, and that in
          BA region the area of land used for   along the borders with Paraguay   2021 public hearings were held for
          agriculture and livestock production   and Bolivia. The “Agro é Fogo”   changes of land use for more than
          has more than doubled over the     campaign draws a clear conclusion:   21,000 hectares. These figures are in
          last 36 years. Between 1985 and    “Forest fires and deforestation are   addition to the deforestation which

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