Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 53


            Abel Merawi

   Abel Merawi is from Addis  Ababa.  He
   is an English  literature teacher, freelance
   writer/reporter for and an Am-
   haric-English  translator and  editor. He
   also writes for www.msingiafrikamagazine.       Artist impression of the battle of Adwa. Source:

   com. You can reach him via: abelmerawi4@
                                             Two mythologies are in play; one   farmers. This inspired the people
                                             of old and another of the present.   and increased the number of troops
          Ethiopia – a country lacking unity   Currently Ethiopians and the world   that joined them on their way.
          and abundant with false narration   at large, look at the current con-  Presently, the role of politicians and
          of ethnic and religious division.   flict, and redefine the past. Well, I   all those who claim to be leaders of
          Article 17 of the Treaty of Wuchale   reiterate that our past is of unity   the people has changed dramatically.
          is symbolic as it speaks of the    and Adwa is the proof. In the past,   They tell the people to sacrifice their
          current demand of former West-     the colonizers actually believed they   lives for their ethnic group while
          ern colonizers and oppressors who   were superior, white supremacy they   they themselves sit comfortably safe
          canonized themselves as global     called it! How utterly ignorant were   from any danger whatsoever. They
          defenders of democracy. The Italian   they to assume color is a definition   are detached from the people to the
          version dictates that the Ethiopian   of racial difference, and how blind   extent that the lives of millions of
          king, ‘consents to avail himself’ to   for us to accept it.           people become a political game for
          the Italian king in foreign affairs,                                  them. Ethiopia needs true leaders
          while the Amharic version states   There is a lesson for our present-day   who share in the people’s pleasure
          that the Ethiopian king, ‘may, if   politicians to be learned from the   and pain.
          he so desires, avail himself’ to the   victory of Adwa. Being a leader
          Italian king in foreign affairs. Cur-  of a country then was remarkably   Ethiopians living in this free land
          rently, Westerners are demanding   different from being a leader now.   that demanded the sacrifice of our
          that Ethiopia should ‘consent’ to   At the time, the Emperor did not   ancestors need to learn a valuable
          their standards of democracy. We, in   simply command the people to fight   lesson too. The various ethnic
          the spirit of Adwa, will handle our   but joined them in battle. Emper-  groups have been living in harmony
          internal issues and bring democracy   or Menelik II and Empress Taitu   throughout history by forming ties
          by ourselves and will ask for their   began their journey from Addis   in religion, trade, and intermarriage.
          assistance if we only desire it. We   Ababa with their army by ordering   Donald N. Levine explains how
          are the Abyssinians who made a     the army from the South to join    Adwa offers a profound multiethnic
          unified nation while Europeans were   them at Wereilu and from the West   collaboration that expressed great
          engaged in tribal wars that amount-  around Lake Ashenge. The Emper-  national patriotism. He states, “Even
          ed to ethnic cleansing, which led to   or ordered the troops to walk for   from the perspective of modern
          a mystically singular white identity.   only five hours a day, which helped   world history, Adwa represented a
          But we managed to maintain an      the Emperor to observe the love    relatively rare struggle for national
          Ethiopia in which diversity did not   and allegiance of the people in every   independence waged by a coalition
          prevent unification.               region. On their way, the army was   of diverse ethnic groups.” Despite
          Killing a Myth                     encouraged and given provisions by   the facts, it is common and shameful

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