Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 54


          to find Ethiopians who spread false-  the course of history by defeating   mation to Italian spies. For instance,
          hood about the ethnic division of   Italian colonizers and dispelling the   they were feeding the Italians false
          Ethiopia with evil intentions. Well,   myth of white supremacy.       information; such as the betrayal
          the facts of Adwa prove otherwise.                                    of Ras Mekonen and Nigus Tekle-
          Just to mention some of the leaders   The swift Ethiopian victory at Adwa   haimanot, and the Emperor’s death
          who led the people in the battle   reawakened a slowly dying spirit of   by being struck by lightning. This
          of Adwa, we find: Ras Alula, Ras   the colonized. It showed that the   made the Italians believe that they
          Mengesha, and Ras Sibhat of Tigray,   pompous theory of white suprem-  were fighting against a weak and
          Dejazmatch Bahta of Akale Guzae,   acy is but a myth. Ethiopia stood   disintegrated army.
          Wag Shum Guangul of Lasta, Ras     as the proud nation of the uncon-
          Mikael of Wallo, Negus Takla-Hay-  querable people, the defenders of   The victory of Adwa manifests the
          manot of Gojjam, Ras Gobena and    unassailable humanity – the human-  strategic genius and combat skill of
          Dejazmatch Balcha of the Mecha     ity which flourishes only in freedom   Ethiopians. Italian colonizers relied
          Oromo, Ras Wele of the Yejju       and equality. That Sunday morning   on their advanced weaponry and
          Oromo, Fitawrari Tekla of Wollega,   of March 1, 1896 echoes through   their ‘divide and conquer’ strategy.
          Ras Makonnen of Harar, as well     space and time to teach us a lesson   They worked hard to weaken the
          as Fitawrari Gebeyehu (who died    on unity, justice, and the triumph of   rule of Emperor Menelik by bribing
          fighting at Adwa) and Ras Abate of   good over evil. Furthermore, this   provincial princes and rulers. Yet,
          Shoa. Just as the leaders, the more   victory was possible only through   they failed to see that these Princ-
          than 100,000 troops were also from   the central role of great women,   es were mostly loyal to the King,
          every part of Ethiopia with different   which carries a lesson to the misog-  who reported to the king while still
          religions. Little differences did not   ynists and chauvinistic men. Sadly,   leading the colonizers to assume
          blind them from realizing the fact   this historic occasion is marred in-  otherwise. Furthermore, the King
          that they are all Ethiopians.      ternally by ethnic myth-makers and   sent diplomatic letters to the Italian
                                             externally by past colonizers who   representatives while ordering
          Above all, Adwa is the victory     now pride themselves as the defend-  every brave leader in every section
          of Africa and all those who were   ers and prescribers of democracy to   of the country to prepare for war,
          victims of oppression; it was the   the world.                        which made it easier to organize
          victory of humanity. Adwa marked                                      the approximately 100,000 brave
          the victory of freedom for the     Greatness in the Art of  War       warriors when the official decree for
          oppressed over the Western ideolo-  The victory of Adwa took just     battle was issued. Empress Taytu
          gy of supremacy. White hegemony    a day, but the preparation took    also outwitted Count Antonelli,
          has been an agency of evil, which   months. One of the lessons of Sun   when she managed to play the same
          spreads its insidious root using   Tzu in the ‘Art of War’ is regard-  trick Italians played on the Treaty
          shallow pseudo-intellectuals to cover   ing preparation. In war, as in other   of Wuchale, Article 17, by making
          sheer lust for power and money. The   things, victory is the result of a   him sign a statement that discarded
          academic wolves wore sheepskin     well-thought-out plan and a true   this article, which he assumed to
          garbs to defend their theory of Teu-  leader is praised not just for bravery   only postpone discussion of the
          tonic Origins. This theory advocated   but also for knowledge and strategy.   article. Ethiopia communicated this
          white supremacy by claiming to     Emperor Menelik II possessed these   new agreement with the rest of the
          have noble origins as descendants   qualities because the preparation for   world, making the Wuchale Treaty
          of ancient Germany’s Teutonic      war did not begin immediately after   null and void. This constituted a
          tribe, which vouches of whites’    the first provocation of Italy. It took   double victory in the diplomatic and
          exceptional ability for nation-build-  months of preparation to rally the   the battlefront.
          ing, justifying their unparalleled   people of Ethiopia from every part
          crime of colonization and slavery.   of the country. The diplomatic work   Adwa and Feminism
          This white fire hoax had affirmed   was also attended since the Em-   We have mentioned the Empress
          itself as most African nations and   peror sent Alfred Elge to Europe,   Taytu, and so truth demands
          indigenous people across the globe   who wrote about the hypocrisy of   speaking of the Queen and all the
          were consumed by this evil. Conse-  Wuchale Treaty in various news-   patriotic women who defended our
          quently, they made the world believe   papers, letting the world know the   nation. The Queen proved to be a
          their dominance, undefeatable by   real reason for war. Furthermore,   great military strategist when she in-
          any other race. But Adwa shifted   Ethiopians were feeding false infor-  structed 1,000 of her special guards

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