Page 51 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 51


                                             ownership as they thrive in econom-  people entitled to vote say might be
          electorate through the politician that   ic scandals and ill-gotten wealth.   used against them in the court of
          “we need a commission of inquiry”.
          This is the best way to cast political   This ‘god’ of the politician inflicts   regional development and religious
          fatigue because results are always the   religious groups with ethnic and   appointments. Then we ask each
          same “who needs the findings?”     spiritual alliances of conflict and   other, “are you out of your mind?”
                                             only the politician’s pocket can cool   yes we left our minds with the ‘god’
                                             the troubled waters. While coming   who hates the citizens and as a re-
          This ‘god’ hates the voters so much
          that he creates social imbalance as   to reconcile regional stomachs, the   sult, African politics and the fallacy
          his deployed politicians steal left   politician sends his expectations   of a ‘god’ continues to disconnect
          right and center to self-preserve   stating “there is a verse that should   human beings from self-awareness,
          before the next election because,   not be read during my visit… that   communities from empathy and
                                                                                increased cases of mental health
                                             verse in the good book where a poli-
          without stealing as a skill, this is a
          politician’s self-destruction in the   tician betrayed us. It says…   “But   issues become vast across Africa.
          kingdom of political recklessness.   Zacchaeus stood up and said to the   Think of how many people you see
          This ‘god’ loathes any suggestion to   Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I   in your family, village, workplace,
          have the electorate address collective   give half of my possessions to the   increased gender-based violence,
                                             poor, and if I have cheated anybody
                                                                                and crime. Think of gas-lighting at
          trauma, because this will expose the
          institutional failure and how power-  out of anything, I will pay back four   work and Africa as the most suicid-
          less politicians are. The ‘god’ of pol-  times the amount.””          al region in the world. Why do we
          iticians hates the electorate so much                                 have over 800,000 deaths by suicide
          that he has snatched several religious   On a sunny day, as the dew quench-  annually? Why are we recording
                                             es the dry feet of a voter in the
                                                                                increased mental depression rates in
          leaders who will train members to
          love their politicians because they   village, a glance in the sky by the   Kenya with records hitting 1.9 mil-
          come from “god”. By the end of     heavens declares “wisdom is free…   lion? Think about it this way, World
          the day, the members will wake up   go question the politician”. That   Health Organization (WHO) 2017
          in a state of helplessness, without a   afternoon the politician visits the   estimates that 322 million people are
                                                                                living with depression globally.
                                             village casting dust to the eyes of
          dream and a sense of ownership, for
          the future belonging to the politi-  malnourished children to lecture the
          cian, and the religious leader remain   elders on why humiliation has been   Over 29.9 million translating to 9%
          untouchables.                      entertained in the village. From the   of these are living in Africa. Why do
                                             strength of precious stones, gold-  we have high levels of mental health
                                             en wrist chain, linen shirt, bacon,   issues in Africa? They are rooted in
          Without discrimination of religion,
          the sermons extreme makeover       corn flakes, and milk, the politician   political power by the ruling class
          and political agenda become “vic-  screams, “do you know the kind of   who ascend to power either by
          timhood of certain politicians as   humiliation that I had to encounter   violent bloodshed clothed transition,
          appointees of a ‘god’ sanctified by   and endure because of you?” “You”   rigging, or depend on external pow-
                                                                                ers to define and impose electoral
                                             here is the electorate who cannot
          stomach-crats, the self-proclaimed
          seers” and incapability of devel-  access quality healthcare because   processes by “sponsoring” domestic
          oping arguments, those who insult   the politician was part of the health   instruments of power. It is social
          more become more popular. This     scandal, maize, and rice scandals.   imbalance and collective trauma of
          ‘god’ of the politician prevents the   The voter pays for the negligence   generational injustices, it is econom-
                                             suffered as a result of corrupt
                                                                                ic imbalances and systemic poverty
          electorate from seeing the future of
          this country by ensuring they steal   international agreements that drain   that seeks trade and industry con-
          from farmers so that there is intense   the treasury and evict from natural   trolled by private owners for profit,
          hunger to keep children awake in   resources as the politician becomes   rather than by the state for human
          the cold hours of the night. These   a major shareholder.  The elector-  dignity. It is the fact that we forsake
                                                                                the truth opposing the egocentric
                                             ate who has wisdom is regarded
          children cannot enjoy clean water
          and good nutrition because they    as the trouble maker who must be   ‘god’ of the politician that says…
          are busy scanning doors seeking to   excluded from leadership in the   “What does the Lord require of
          do child-labor for a living. On the   government. The voter’s divine role   you but to do justice, and to love
          other side of the street, the poli-  according to the ‘god’ of a politician   kindness, and to walk humbly with
                                                                                your God?”.
                                             is to attend rallies, cast your vote
          ticians’ child is enjoying beneficial
                                             and remain silent because what the

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