Page 49 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 49

Food Health

          took place between 2007 and 2017,   This perverse argument must be de-   ecological and cultural relevance
          when the province lost more than   bunked, and debate should highlight   and diversity of the Cerrado
          750,000 hectares of native forest.   the fact that “plantations are not   and its peoples.
          This makes Salta one of the prov-  forests”, and cannot replace any of   •   preservation of the memories
          inces with the highest deforestation   the vital roles forests play in balanc-  of violence, expulsion, and
          rates, and the most forest lost, in the   ing ecosystems, or their contribution   enclosure of common areas,
          world. In this region, LandMatrix   to the climate, as the World Rainfor-  events which are often passed
          has identified 120 major land trans-  est Movement has been repeating    down by community elders.
          actions (known as GTT, or grandes   for more than two decades.        •   a stop to the impunity enjoyed
          transacciones de tierra) concerning                                      by land-grabbers and corpora-
          22% of the total surface area of   A few conclusions and next steps      tions when violating the rights
          the region. The conclusions of this                                      of populations, and also in
          report are that GTTs are driving de-  The first conclusion is clear: we   the continuous harassment,
          forestation and changes of land use   must immediately end land grabbing   manipulation, humiliation, and
          in 55% of the 7.2 million hectares   and land concentration by large     division of communities they
          which make up the Chaco Salteño.   corporate groups to put a stop to     use as part of their strategies to
                                             the current climate crisis. It is also   manufacture social hegemony.
          A downwards spiral of  destruc-    urgent to halt the deforestation   •   justice and reparations for the
          tion                               afflicting the whole region, which as   conflicts which populations still
                                             we have seen, is carried out illegally   face and the right to own their
          Land grabbing is clearly contributing   in all countries.                land.
          to the climate crisis and is generating
          a spiral of destruction, currently re-  Across the region, there is strong   The Tribunal has already held its
          flected in the severe drought across   mobilisation at national and regional   first session on the topic of viola-
          the Southern Cone and the extreme   level to counter the devastation be-  tions related to access to water, and
          temperatures and fires which get   ing wreaked. One example of this is   the rest of the hearings will take
          worse with every year, decimating   the special session of the Permanent   place throughout 2022.
          fragile ecosystems which are already   Peoples’ Tribunal, an international
          bearing the brunt of agribusiness.  peoples’ tribunal based in Rome, on   It is clear that redistributing land to
                                             the ecocide taking place in the Cer-  peasant farmers is the main alter-
          Ending this spiral of destruction is   rado[16]. This was launched in Sep-  native to help tackle the climate
          vital, and requires much more than   tember, in Brazil, by the Campanha   crisis, via agroecological farming
          laws to limit the damage. In fact,   Nacional em Defesa do Cerrado    methods implemented by peasant
          much of Argentina’s deforestation   (National Campaign in Defence     farmers, which not only contribute
          has occurred over the last decade,   of the Cerrado). When presenting   to protecting soil health and biodi-
          despite a Forest Law approved in   their case, the organisations spoke   versity, but also provide solutions to
          the first decade of this century after   out against the legitimisation of   other crises facing humanity, such as
          years of pressure from social organ-  widespread and intensive plundering   hunger.
          isations.                          and monopolisation of the Cerra-
                                             do’s land, water, and resources by a   It is clear, too, that it is essential to
          What about planted forests?        handful of corporations from the   put the brakes on corporate control,
                                             agricultural and mineral commodity   in view of the very powerful lobby
          The IPCC states in its reports     chains, under the pretext that the   of politicians, business leaders, and
          that greenhouse gas emissions are   region is “nobody’s land”, without   transnational corporations which
          partially “offset by afforestation/  people nor biodiversity—all in the   has emerged with the expansion of
          reforestation”. However, rather than   name of so-called “development”.  monocropping, and which defends
          a true alternative, this is a dangerous                               and pushes this model. However,
          message which fuels false solutions   The case presented by the Campaign   this will remain impossible unless
          to the climate crisis, whilst encour-  calls for:                     progress is made on democratisation
          aging another type of land grab-   •   a stop to the current ecocide   processes within society to help us
          bing—acquisition of land for tree     against the Cerrado before it   change tack and avert the catastro-
          plantations.                          becomes extinct.                phe capitalism is leading us towards.
                                             •   the truth to be told about the

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