Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 84

Book Review

          ing the critical issues needed to re-  As such, Ndayi asserts that the em-  (ebook)
          position Africa as a dominant force,   powering proposals presented in the   French version link:  https://www.
          allowing it to ultimately overtake   book are not his work, but God’s
          China in terms of GDP. It proposes   revelations to help uplift Africa.   (ebook)
          that, after the COVID-19 recession,   The message being that if we speak   YouTube:
          the United States should initiate a   with one voice and act collectively   IekNuXI
          deal with all 54 African countries, to   to promote our common ideals, the   Printed copies are priced at R280,
          stabilize its economy and diversify   renaissance of Africa is fully within   inclusive of delivery nationwide,
          the global supply chain.           our grasp.                         and can be ordered at panafrican-
                                                                      , or by calling or
          Ndayi succinctly outlines the key in-  This new financial approach un-  WhatsApp +27 62 217 5336.
          frastructures necessary to set Africa   derscores the need for the urgent   - ebook versions are available on
          on a new trajectory. He highlights   creation of a supranational body,   Amazon at $8.28.
          three of 12 Agenda 2063 projects   The Pan-African Infrastructure
          that should be realized before 2035   Fund (PIF) - a Pan-African finan-
          if this program is to be successfully   cial institution which would have a   ABOUT CHRIS NDAYI
          implemented. These are the building   wide purpose, but primarily fund the
          and completion of an integrated    completion of the high-speed train   Chris Ndayi (Christoph Ndayiragije)
          high-speed train network connect-  network and Grand Inga Dam. This   was born in Bujumbura, Burundi, a
          ing all capital and commercial cities   would allow Africa to define its own   small country in Central Africa. He
          of Africa; the construction of the   financial freedom, instead of de-  is fluent in French, English, Swahili,
          Grand Inga Dam, which has the      pending on European, Chinese and   Kirundi, and Kinyarwanda.
          potential to speed up African indus-  Western institutions to bail it out of   He has lived and travelled in Kenya,
          trialization and provide affordable   its economic quagmire.          Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Rwanda,
          electricity to all African cities; and                                Zambia, Namibia and Burundi.
          the full implementation of the Afri-  Along with the implementation   A small business owner, he is mar-
          can Continental Free Trade Agree-  of an African Monetary Union       ried with three children. He moved
          ment (AfCFTA).                     Pan-African currency, the “Afro”, he   to Cape Town, South Africa in 2001,
                                             suggests that Africa should establish   to escape the civil war that was rag-
          He affirms that these are comple-  this institution as a tax union and a   ing in his country.
          mentary infrastructures, and none   preliminary Pan-African tax author-  His interest in economics and
          of them can succeed alone. To-     ity that would be an independent   passion for Africa began when, one
          gether they have the potential to   source of revenue for infrastructure   night in a dream, he saw a big map
          increase Africa’s allure, more so than   priorities, and culminate in a direct   of Africa entering his heart.
          any other market in the world for   tax scheme similar to federal states.  Ndayi studied Management for two
          many decades to come. The author                                      years in Burundi before the war dis-
          reinforces therefore that all efforts   Ndayi urges all African leaders to   rupted his education. He is currently
          from African stakeholders should   follow the call, and apply the achiev-  completing a Degree in Business
          focus on these projects, as they are   able solutions suggested in this   Administration at the Department
          key to unlock other Agenda 2063    inspirational work.                of Economy and Management Sci-
          initiatives.                                                          ences at UNISA.
                                             Africa The Rising Economic Power:
          As explained in Ndayi’s Testimony,   Soaring Faster Than Expected has
          these summations are God’s direc-  been translated into English, French,
          tives for the African continent. This   and Portuguese (hard copy only).
          came about when, in a series of
          dreams, he was visited by The Holy   Links:
          Spirit, who insisted that this divine
          transmission be shared with all of   English version link: https://www.
          Africa’s people.         

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