Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 80


                                                                                your store where it is convenient
                                                                                to catch the eyes of the customer.
                                                                                Also, there should be high traffic
                                                                                of the right customers that you are
                                                                                targeting. All things being equal, you
                                                                                should be readily accessible that is
                                                                                your address and all because tangi-
                                                                                bles do have a big say in the market-
                                                                                ing spheres. Furthermore, place is
                                                                                significant for it relates to the kind
                                                                                of distribution that you will even-
                                                                                tually opt for as an entrepreneur
                                                                                whether it will be selective, intensive
                                                                                or numeric depending on the kind
                                                                                of products or service you have to
                                                                                offer your clientele base.

                                                                                This is the ‘P’ that tackles issues of

          if you underprice or overprice this   ies such as the Standard Association   how to remind customers of your
          will have dire consequences to your   of Zimbabwe as well as other issues   business. Pressing the same argu-
          business operations.               like sustainability making noise in   ment, these promotions need to be
                                             the market after all there is nothing   done wisely so that they effectively
          Product/Service                    that can stop you from incorporat-  work to the entrepreneur’s expec-
          Usually an entrepreneur has a prod-  ing green entrepreneurship onto   tations and benefit. Likewise, as
                                                                                an entrepreneur you can do sales
          uct or service that one is in need of   your product. Equally, in the end
          introducing in the market. Hence-  your product and service must meet   promotions, discounts or rebates
          forth, that product should serve its   the needs of the consumer to such   etc.  in a bid to increase your sales
          purpose to the end consumer. The   an extent that it will make their lives   volume because at the end of the
                                                                                day you have to push your products
          beauty of entrepreneurship is that as   smooth sailing.               in the market. All this needs effec-
          an entrepreneur you get the oppor-
          tunity to tailor-make these products   Place                          tive tactics and strategies through
          to the desires of your niche market   Nowadays due to the advent of   well planned promotions that won’t
          that is customization or if you want   technology issues of place have   drain the business much money. All
                                                                                in all, it is sage advice as an entre-
          to go the extra mile, personalization.   been dealt with soundly. This is   preneur to familiarize yourself with
          Nothing in this world beats tailor   because we are living in a global
          making a product or service to the   village as we are connected by the   the traditional four P’s for they will
          wishes of the customer. If you use   internet. For all intents and purpos-  guide you into doing the right thing
          this strategy you will never go wrong   es, you can choose not to have a   in this 21st century. This is the time
                                                                                to have a good understanding of
          although your need to invest a lot of   brick and mortar building as you will   every business aspect if ever you
          time and money in the project be-  operate your business online that is
          cause it is true that no pain no gain.   implementing e-business or rather   wish to retain a competitive advan-
          Again, product wise they need to be   e-commerce. This does tend to save   tage over other entrepreneurs always
          readily available. Adding to that, vis-  money, connect you with the people   on the rise to mitigate the day to day
                                                                                problems of the masses. Notably, do
          ibility means a lot in creating brand   all over the globe, ensures you are   the right thing and heavily involve
          awareness in the mind of your      ubiquitous and can readily attend
          customers. Having said that, other   to your customers at the click of a   yourself in entrepreneurial market-
          pertinent issues related to a product   button. To this effect, entrepreneurs   ing for this tool is as old as time and
          are such as aesthetics and packag-  should take advantage of this tech-  since then up to now it has never
                                                                                failed to work. Thus, the power of
          ing. As an entrepreneur you should   nological God sent blessing. Never-  entrepreneurial marketing is undis-
          move with the times that is adhering   theless, in the case you want to go
          to accredited quality certifying bod-  the conservative way, you can place   putable.

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