Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 76


           Abigirl Phiri is a Ph.D
           student in commerce,
           free-lance writer, poet, Internation-
           al Ambassador of  Peace, GBV
           activist, social entrepreneur, talent
           manager and an international mar-
           keter. More of  her work can be
           found on her Facebook Page:
           Words are forever.




               ntrapreneurship is a concept   it is big or small. According to other   America. With regards to the people
               that many people do not clear-  relevant authorities, intrapreneurship   in developing countries, they have a
               ly understand how it works.   is the total opposite of corporate   tendency of wanting it all for them-
          IWorth noting is that it is a dif-  entrepreneurship which is the top-  selves without looking at the bigger
          ferent concept from entrepreneur-  down approach since the dictates   picture. To make matters worse, a
          ship in general. Speaking of which,   come from the senior management   lot of companies are closing shop
          the “intra” is derived from internal   on how the innovations mandates   due to Covid-19 which has exacer-
          and the last part from entrepreneur-  will be conducted by the company   bated an already bad situation. In
          ship itself to end up with intrapre-  personnel. In developing countries   my own opinion, given that develop-
          neurship. In particular, intrapreneur-  such as Zimbabwe and her African   ing nations give intrapreneurship a
          ship is the bottom-up approach that   sisters, intrapreneurship is not that   serious thought then we are definite-
          can transpire in any kind of organi-  rife as compared to developed coun-  ly destined for a robust economic
          zation regardless of its size whether   tries such as the United States of   development.

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