Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 77


          Notably, intrapreneurship is the   courses in their veins. All in all, they   shed although not necessarily in that
          ability by certain individuals in   know that deep down in their hearts   order.
          companies to come up with good     they would have stayed true to
          innovations which are even nov-    becoming pioneers of innovations    On all intents and purpose, intra-
          el in nature. Consequently, these   who bring positive change in solving   preneurship is the in thing nowadays
          individuals are driven by creativity   both the company’s and the gen-  were many big corporates have been
          in all that they do to such an extent   eral masses’ day to day social plus   reduced to white elephants with
          that they will end up improving the   economic problems. To that effect,   investors jumping ship. If you have
          company’s processes and operations   they constantly are up on their toes   what it takes to become an intrapre-
          whilst at the same time coming up   searching for unforeseen opportu-  neur, you need to prove what you
          with new business ideas that will end   nities that will bring greater returns   are made of.  All in all, true intra-
          up having these corporates diversi-  effectively to their companies. In   preneurs doesn’t hide behind the
          fying in novel high tech commercial   fact, intrapreneurs get a certain level   backs of others or let the spot light
          ventures. Interestingly, usually these   of pleasure knowing that they did   get stolen from them were business
          intrapreneurs are later given the   it by themselves because of their   matters are concerned. The truth of
          sole responsibility to head inde-  dedication and passion to creatively   the matter is that being an entrepre-
          pendently these new ventures as sub   destruct what is presently going on   neur or intrapreneur requires a lot
          business units. That said, one has to   in the business world.        of work however for the latter you
          be proactive and a risk taker to be                                   also get the extra benefit of work-
          able to fare well as an intrapreneur.   Research has it that companies that   ing with likeminded entrepreneurial
          Adding to that, it is a trait that to a   are started by intrapreneurs have a   teams as you have the corporate’s
          certain extent has to be inborn for   chance of surviving long and not   common goal at heart. For that
          intrapreneurs are highly motivated   meeting up with failure vice versa to   reason, there is need of a paradigm
          individuals. In other words, you do   those started by a sole entrepreneur   shift of mind so that people can
          not have to be pushed to be  flexible   without the backup of a big corpo-  embrace the significance of intra-
          in such a corporate environment    rate. To this effect, as an entrepre-  preneurs without qualms. A good
          distinguished by diversity.        neur you will be taking the risk upon   example of a company that profited
                                             yourself whilst for intrapreneurs the   from the intrapreneurship doctrine
          Frankly speaking, the major problem   risk will be calculated and spread   is that of eBay whereby Healer
          why people shun intrapreneurship   over the entire business operations   Cypher as chief of staff realized
          is because they claim they have    of the firm. Also, the latter has   that the business was missing out on
          nothing to gain by doing so after all   no need to leverage on resources   something. As a result, he gathered
          at the end of the day, the profits will   for they will be readily available at   around in house engineers who were
          trickle down to the company with-  their disposal. In addition, you will   able to create an interactive store-
          out doubt. At the same, others are   get support, finance and other well   front innovatively and this became
          fearful of having their ideas being   needed resources from the com-  another division for the company
          stolen by their superiors or immedi-  pany therefore it will also apply to   altogether. However, the only bad
          ate supervisors for which will result   infrastructure and access to high   side of the story is that if such
          in them ultimately not getting any   technology. Following this same line   intrapreneurs are not given their due
          kind of credit. Nevertheless, a true   of thinking, most innovative com-  appreciation and recognition that
          intraprenuer does not consider that   panies in USA such as Facebook   they deserve then they will later on
          at all. Instead, he or she thrives in   they pay their personnel who exhibit   end up resigning and starting their
          such toxic environment for they    intraprenuership traits for coming   own thing usually in the same line
          always have ready answers to solve   up with new ideas and implementing   of business like where they were
          a company’s problems timeously.    them even if they flop because they   previously employed.
          Indeed, this is why intrapreneurs are   know that the start of something   Interestingly, we need both intra-
          referred to as first movers who take   big isn’t a promenade in the park.   preneurs as well as entrepreneurs
          advantage of an opportunity before   Equally, the Great Wall of China   for they do complement each other
          the others learn of it. If one is an   wasn’t built in a day henceforth   in bringing about economic devel-
          intrapreneur they will pride them-  when coming with new ideas that   opment that is translated by wealth
          selves in coming up with innovative   will help the day to day operations   creation and the mitigation of
          ideas for the benefit of the compa-  of a large corporate, rest assured   unemployment levels.
          ny as a whole. The pioneer’ streak   that blood, sweat and tears will be

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