Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 72
find what we were looking for. It was well worth the visit. For
So, off we went to get some re- over 20 years, this gentleman
freshments at Forodhani Restaurant, has been collecting pieces
nestled in Old Town among the of art, carvings, sculptures,
historical buildings which are said to books, paintings, footwear,
date back to the 18th Century and horse riding gear, gems, jewelry
are a reflection of African, Arabic and other knickknacks from
and European influences. From the around the world. His lovely
first Africa Hotel, dating back to assistant, well-versed in the
1901, to the other ancient buildings history of the pieces delighted
with ornately carved hardwood us with anecdotes and pieces
doors and beautiful balconies, Old of information that helped set
Town truly takes one back through the context for what was what
time. and where it had come from.
Forodhani Restaurant overlooks the It felt like time stood still as we
old Mombasa port, where on a good browsed through the packed
day you can find some slightly up- shop, asking questions, examin-
dated large dhows anchored at the ing pieces up close and, taking
historic port. These two dhows still photographs.
ply the Indian Ocean trading in spic-
es and fish and other goods. As we Perhaps the most interesting
prepared to enter the restaurant, a thing for us was discovering
friendly Asian gentleman called out that this shop and this man’s
to us from his shop which was right two-decade labor of love had
across the road from Forodhani, resulted in a collection of his-
inviting us in to take a look at his tory that rivaled the best mu-
wares. “Can we take photos?” My seums in the country. Despite
husband, Samuel, playfully asked funding from various organiza-
him. A request that was warmly tions and all the focus that the
received in the affirmative. Our National Museums must place
stomachs rumbling, we promised to on certain of these locations, it
return after lunch. And so, we did. has taken the work of one man
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