Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 67

Tourism                                                                                       Tourism


          Adventure, Culture and Ecotourism

          By Memory Phiri, Zimbabwe.

                   ulture plays a pivotal role   pects as well. Today we are going to
                   when it comes to tourism   bring to light the components that   Memory Phiri is a Travel and recreation con-
                   because it sort of draws   are fueling this typology of tourism.
         Cor better still lures the          At the same time, highlighting how   sultant who has vast experience in the tourism
          tourists to its realm. To simply clari-  this has brought change to the tour-  industry. She also is a free-lance writer in addi-
          fy this matter, culture can be defined   ism circles for it is garnering more   tion to being a sustainable activist. You can get
          as the arts, customs and habits that   visits to the selected destinations in     in touch with her on
          characterize a particular society or   this article.
          nation. Tourists are now governed                                    
          by the ACE which stands for Ad-    Educational purposes
          venture, Culture and Ecotourism    The desire to learn more about a     for educational purposes is seen
          showing clearly that culture as the   certain people has led to a lot of   through archaeology which im-
          middle component makes the tour-   cultural tourism. Cultural desti-    proves history records. In simpler
          ism product a topical issue to reckon   nations have become tourism hot   terms it is the study of the past
          with. Ostensibly, tourism in general   spots and a lot of tourism opera-  by excavation and analysis of the
          thrives on culture which integrates   tions have improved at an alarming   remains, which are put in archives
          the history, religion and heritage as-  rate. Good examples of traveling   for tourist to indulge themselves. In

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