Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 69
Victoria falls, Zimbabwe. A beautiful ecotourism destination
of their roots. As a result the Venda to know all the cultural aspects of
people in Limpopo will be a great people that is their customs so as
destination to experience culture at to uphold the tradition. A desire
its best. for sustainability can be seen by
the Murehwa Mashonaland East
Dear readers, this tribe is caught district of Zimbabwe, this tribe
between the Shona from Zimba- of the Shona speaking people has
bwe and the Venda in South Africa brought about the Jenaguru festival
thus increasing regional tourism. which is now popular country wide.
Their dialect has some Shona in it In the early days the dances were a
in addition to the fact that they have form of entertainment during the
a strong cultural background when night after a hard day in the fields
it comes to their dances, dressing especially the harvesting season.
attire which differentiates a girl from Ladies and gentleman it is now a
a married woman. Interestingly, they tourism package as tourists travel
still have ruling chieftaincies and to see the traditional dances namely
custodians of history who can relate the Jerusalema or Mbakumba and
every aspect of their culture more Jeketera dances among others. Allow
by reciting the clan praises. All in all, me to say that I have knowledge of
I stand corrected at this juncture as these dances since they are inculcat-
this tribe has been well marketed by ed in all schools in Zimbabwe and I
the programs currently broadcasted am saying this because I was once a
on the television like Imvelogy and traditional dancer in grade school.
Isiko promoting the cultural package
likewise. To be candid, these dances have
been preserved because everyone is
Desire for sustainability invited in the village, they brew beer
Sustainability is all about configur- and dance the rich traditional dance
ing civilization and human activity leading to tourism students doing
so that society, its members and its research projects on this culture.
economy are able to meet the needs Thanks to the internet apart from
and express their greatest poten- the Murehwa Jenaguru festivals
tial in the present while preserving Zimbabwe has more than seventeen
biodiversity and the natural ecosys- languages on its sleeves showing a
tems planning and acting for the cultural fusion.
ability to maintain these ideals for
the future generations. Sustainability
is seen by the fact that there is need