Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 65


          patterns, their deaths happen in   go to expiration, especially if such   around him?
          different ways.                    work is devoid of honor for God.
                                             That we see ruins of buildings,    Life is definitely beautiful and a life
          When I think about the great an-   ancient and modern day architec-   lived with purpose and heart for hu-
          cient Afrikan civilizations that have   tural wonders go to waste, leaving   manity will outlive its time. A man’s
          since vanished, I can’t help but won-  behind trees, grasses and basically   worth is not found in the amount
          der what went wrong along the way   nature everywhere, shows you that   of lifeless toys and things he gathers
          to cause the external hand to come   no matter what man builds, it will al-  unto himself, but by how many lives
          their way and wipe them out. It is   ways go to waste and that only what   will remember him for good after he
          clear to me from a spiritual perspec-  the Creator made will last. But since   is gone.
          tive, based on how God moves with   everything has a purpose, could
          and moves men, that something that   the ruins also have some purpose   So, as we reflect on the past, and as
          has purpose yet to fulfil in His over-  attached to them? Absolutely. It’s   we build anew, these are concerns
          all plans will somehow find a way   like a fire place with ashes shouting   that we must take to heart that
          in which to continue. So, I wonder,   very loudly “once upon a time there   we may not fail God in striving to
          did the usefulness of these empires   was fire here’ for anyone with a wise   recreate a glory that we think we
          expire? Did they render themselves   heart to hear and learn wisdom. We   have perceived and understood for
          valueless much like the Israelites do   realized something very remarkable   Afrika.
          from time to time by setting them-  as this article was being written. On
          selves as enemy to God based on    the wall of the tomb (whose image is
          their rejection of His will in their   on your left) is written in Arabic these
          lives and therefore their reason for   words from the Koran. “Every soul
          existence ended? If they were so   shall taste death. You will simply be paid
          superior, why is it that it appears as   your wages in full on the Day of  Resur-
          if they were erased from existence   rection. He who is removed from the fire
          with such thoroughness?            and made to enter heaven, he it is who has
                                             won the victory. The earthly life is only a
          I think about these things in the   delusion.”
          context of Jumba ruins just as I do
          of Ancient Egypt because we spend   If the purpose of the ruins in
          much time speaking of the former   different parts of the continent
          glory of Afrika and how it has to be   is to make us as Afrikans deeply
          restored. And, just like I suggested   consider why we remain on the
          in the Editor’s Note – it is not the   face of the earth and hurriedly, but
          physical things that make up the lost   not mindlessly, move to reconnect
          glory of Afrika, but rather the iden-  and align with that purpose, then at
          tity and purpose of the continent.   least they have some value. What-
          Similarly, with these ‘civilizations’   ever abundance these civilizations
          their identities and purposes must   enjoyed, it may have been sufficient
          have either ceased to be necessary   to drive them away from their true
          or defied the will of God to such an   connection with God’s purpose for
          extent that their very existence was   them and thus they were eliminated.
          deemed unfit for purpose. Thus,    Gold and silver, precious stones and
          their hour and type of demise was   metals are not the defining factors
          designed and implemented to fit the   for success. For a man laid to rest in
          choices which they made.           the earth or left to rot on its surface,
                                             their value loses all meaning and
          What can ruins teach us            they lose all hold and appeal. So,
          For someone paying attention and   what is it that keeps a man that God
          clear of mind, there is a lot that   deems to be success, goodness, and
          ruins can teach.                   value in His sight that would then
          For a start and from all indications,   be a blessing and sustenance to the   The almost empty museum in Jumba La Mtwana
          it is clear that man’s work will always   man, his family and his community

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 21 | MARCH 2022        65
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