Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 61
the enormous riches, glory, knowl- righteousness in the society and In 1970 the government of Turkey
edge, wisdom, spirituality and global many other things that need resto- gave a copy of the treaty to the
power it wielded. ration. It’s definitely an open ended United Nations, where it can be
restoration drive for Afrika and for seen at the entrance of the Security
From all indications, the glory of Afrikans. Council chambers.
Afrika as the birthplace of hu- Egypt is the face of this restoration
manity is mostly tied to ancient of lost glory because of her rich 6. Egypt is home to seven UNE-
Egypt, and that because most of history and heritage, but it is really SCO-designated World Heritage
the archaeological studies that shed about the entire spectrum of Afrika sites: Abu Mena; ancient Thebes
light on Afrika’s history was done in and the Afrikan people. with its Necropolis; Historic Cairo;
Egypt. This in itself was also pro- Memphis and its Necropolis; Nu-
paganda which created the field of Here are 10 interesting facts bian monuments from Abu Simbel
study called Egyptology and which about Egypt. to Philae; the Saint Catherine area;
Europe and the West have used to Located on the northeast corner of and Wadi Al-Hitan, or Whale Valley,
create a narrative that Egypt is not Africa, Egypt is home to one of the home to fossil remains of the earli-
part of Afrika. This they did just to world’s earliest and greatest civiliza- est and now extinct form of whales.
keep the narrative of a backward tions, with a unified kingdom first
and history-less Afrika going on. So, surfacing around 3,200 B.C. With a 7. Various international rights
now we have millions of diasporans population estimated at more than groups, including Amnesty Interna-
who have ancestral connections 99 million, it is the most populous tional, Freedom House and Human
to Afrika doing serious studies of country in the Arab world, and Rights Watch, criticize the country
Egypt and especially its spiritual the third-most populous nation in for low levels of personal freedom
principles and for which pride also Africa. and the arrests and jailing of peace-
has entered into their hearts since ful activists who are critical of the
they now think that any Afrikan 1. The country is ethnically homo- government.
who is not talking Egypt or follow- geneous, with Egyptians comprising
ing the spirituality and principles of more than 99% of the population. 8. Social media accounts with more
Egypt must be out of tune with the than 5,000 followers are subject to
true Afrikan narrative, spirituality 2. The country’s population is the country’s media laws and can be
and culture. This is an error. For the estimated to be 90% Muslim (pri- monitored by authorities and must
glory of Afrika is neither material marily Sunni) and various Christian be licensed by the government.
possessions as is seen in the massive denominations make up the remain-
wealth of ancient Egypt, neither ing 10%. 9. Ancient Egypt produced the
is Egypt the only place in Afri- world’s first prosthetic limb, a toe
ka where ancient civilization was 3. Cairo has served as Egypt’s composed of leather, wood and
found. But let me leave this here. capital for more than 1,000 years, thread and dated between 950 and
Even though there is a divine word but the government is building a 710 B.C.
for the restoration of the lost new capital some 45 kilometers
glory of Afrika, using Egypt as (28 miles) to the east to help ease 10. The 365-day calendar that is
the face of that restoration, it may congestion in Cairo. Plans call for divided into 12 months was invent-
not really be how many may think the yet-to-be-named city to host the ed in Egypt.
it will. Not all glory is attached to main government departments and
physical things and not all wealth is ministries, as well as foreign embas- I pray for Egypt even as I pray for
money. So, for some aspect of the sies. Afrika that all of her glory that has
Afrikan life and the Afrikan people, been lost will be restored and much
the restoration of lost glory may 4. One of the most famous figures more. The the light of the Most
be about the restoration of family tied to Egypt, Cleopatra VII, was High will shine upon this land of
heritages, restoration of forgotten Greek. Egypt and Afrika and unrighteous-
ancient wisdom and knowledge ness will be banished and goodness
systems, restoration of peace 5. Ancient Egypt produced one of and goodwill will take its place. God
between communities, restoration history’s earliest peace treaties, the bless Egypt and God bless Afrika
of life to things and ideas that have Kadesh Peace Treaty, negotiated in and her people.
been called dead, restoration of 1259 B.C. with the Hittite Empire.