Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 60
Cover Story
EGYPT that picture of Lumumba in that
Restoring Lost Glory horrible state and call it an image of
shame and disgrace? I leave you to
Samuel Phillips
Most times when you search on
Google for images of Afrika, if it
lory comes in differ- time, irrespective of who is aware does not show you the images of
ent dimensions and of it or not, or if its glamorous like pyramids of Egypt, it will bring you
at different rates. To many would like it to be, or not. the images of poor Afrikans living
Gsome, glory means in poor environments. And in as
having more money to do whatever Looking at the image of the first much as this is an error and a covert
they want to do and for which men Prime Minister of DRC, Patrice Lu- propaganda to keep the image of
praise them as glorious. To others, mumba as he sat in the back of the Afrika lopsided and weird, it still
glory means being able to be at the military truck about to be taken to points to something very interest-
center of all attention and fame. To his death, and the image of a man ing. The image of poverty in Afrika
some, their glory is found in their shoving a crumpled paper into his instantly shows you the contrast
pain and suffering which they go mouth, it cuts the image of disgrace between the current Afrika that we
through for the deliverance and and shame for such a man of such have right now and what ancient
emancipation of others. We all have position. But take a minute to think Afrika was, especially when you
different aspects of glory that we about this. Looking back in hind- look at Egypt, which is one of the
are manifesting at every point in sight, will a clear thinking mind see earliest civilizations on earth with
60 | we tell the true afrikan story