Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 31

Art & Culture

                                             ailment was a biological agent that   living in harmony with nature – but
                                             had been brought and spread by the   for their own desire to control any
                                             white man, in order to find a way   and all activities, beginning with the
                                             in which to control the people, by   spiritual and psychosocial aspects of
                                             converting them from their usage   community relationships.
                                             of natural remedies to embracing
                                             the white man’s technology and     And so, they gathered their tools of
                                             methods. The biological weapon     death and deployed them, like they
                                             was the same one deployed against   have been known to throughout
                                             native Americans in times past and   time, knowing fully well that all of
                                             was spread in both circumstances   it was a ruse. Their plan being to
                                             using blankets and infected cloth-  swoop down like heroes using the
                                             ing. It was also leveled against the   remedy they already had, to bring
                                             people living in the land that would   resolution to the outbreak they had
     Chioma Phillips is the Editor of  Msingi Afrika Mag-  eventually be called Kenya. It was   deliberately started – thereby deceiv-
      azine and the host of  Msingi Afrika Television. Her   a tool used to convince people that   ing thousands. Spreading fear and
     hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen,   their own solutions, knowledge and   insecurity and lies, they took out one
     for the transformation of  the people and the continent of    ancient wisdom were ineffective   of the most unifying figures in the
                Afrika - and the world.
                                             and futile, but that those of the   society, rendering his solutions use-
                                             white man and Njecû were superi-   less in the eyes of his people. Then,
                                             or. A tool used to erode hundreds   they unveiled the medication which
           down to him. He did, however,
           have a solution for the itching,   of years of indigenous knowledge   they ascribed to Jesus to convince
           which was to cover the skin of his   through its rejection by the peo-  people of His supernatural healing
           patients with white soil or ash, thus   ple that Waing’a had lived among   powers and branded the unsuspect-
           easing their discomfort and giving   as brethren and helped to heal for   ing healer, Waing’a, the devil. What
           his patients a distinctive white ap-  years. A tool used to colonize the   an injustice!
           pearance as they left his medicine   mental and spiritual spaces of the
           hut.                              people.                            To the weak and untrained mind,
                                                                                this article may be perceived as an
                                             The Waing’a name was deliberately   attack against the person of the
           Not far from Wainga’s, stood a
           newer hut belonging to a Scotsman   defamed and destroyed in order for   Christ or God, but it’s far from it.
           who the locals nicknamed Nyaruta.    the white man to achieve his aim.  It is against every idea, innovation,
           Nyaruta enticed people to his hut   Imagine with me what that was like   technology and whatever else that
           saying that he was servant of Njecû   for Waing’a and his family, who   the white man has used to defile,
           (Jesus), who would heal them of   must have surely enjoyed a place   maim, destroy, kill and corrupt
           their affliction. Indeed, the people   of honor in their community for   indigenous knowledge systems glob-
           who went to Nyaruta were given    generations, having seen parents,   ally while using the name of God
           the treatment they needed, had oil   grandparents and heard of great   as excuse. It is against the wicked
           applied to their skin and were pro-  grandparents who had taken up the   globalist and imperialist agenda of
           vided with fresh clothes to wear.   time-honored and trusted role of   the so-called white race that see
           They were then sent on their way,   healer. Serving babies and mom-  every other race as threats and wants
           becoming messengers of the news   mies, warriors and kings alike, ensur-  to put every other person under
           that Njecû heals; and with their   ing that knowledge was transferred   the boot. It is against the parasitic
           fresh and youthful appearance, they   safely, that herbs and forests were   identity and ideology running deep
           made for great heralds of these   used for the purposes for which    in the core of the heart of the
           good tidings. Wainga’s mortality   they were created: leaves for the   white race that makes him kill and
           rates from this disease were higher   healing of all nations. When sudden-  destroy whatever he cannot control
           than those of Nyaruta… which did   ly, intruders from the north came   or have to himself. It’s against the
           not help circumstances swing in his   to the land and decided that they   greed, the lies and the manipulation
           favor.                            wanted to control that aspect of   of the white race to make himself
                                             communal living and to take it over   feel superior and others inferior. It
                                             altogether not for the benefit of the   is against anything and anyone who
           The stinker is this. The mysterious
                                             communities that they had found    takes joy in thriving at the expense

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022        31
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