Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 36
Health & Healing
human stock, seems never really bred out time the average European will be
again. 51 years old, and the average African
will be only 27 years old. Europe’s
Stoddard was one of many writers population is now actually declining
expressing their racism in The Birth by one million people a year, while
Control Review. Malcolm H. Bissell Africa’s is increasing by 25 million
wrote, “The whites will practice vol- annually.
untary restriction of their numbers
while ‘uncivilized’ races remain pro- Who will inherit the future ― Africa,
lific, with the ultimate result of the with its huge storehouse of natural
extermination of white civilization resources and large, vigorous young
by a ‘rising tide of color.’” population, or Europe, with few
resources and an aging, small and
The leading campaigners for birth listless population? The answer
control in the first half of the twen- is obvious. If Africa can solve its
tieth century were Margaret Sanger pervasive corruption problem and
and Marie Stopes. The mastheads shake off the baleful influence of
of their publications carried “pro- the Western population controllers,
gressive” themes: “Birth Control: it will lead the world in just two or
To Create a Race of Thorough- three decades.
breds” and “Joyous and Deliberate
Motherhood: A Sure Light in Our The “Solution” of Population
Racial Darkness.” Control
Control League (later Planned The “danger” posed by Africa’s
Parenthood), which he held from Sanger and Stopes were supported large population is becoming more
March 1922 to December 1925, by Stoddard, Madison Grant, Have- and more evident. To put it crudely,
followed by membership in its Na- lock Ellis and many other racist eu- the white man has one foot in the
tional Council from January 1926 to genicists, who all feared “differential grave, and the only way to maintain
March 1929. fertility.” This meant that the so- his power in the world is to pull the
called “lower” races (blacks, South- black man into the grave with him.
He wrote many articles for Marga- ern and Eastern Europeans, Jews, The best way to do this is through
ret Sanger’s Birth Control Review, gypsies, etc.) multiplied prolifically, population control. The “devel-
claiming, “It is the lower elements while the “higher” (Nordic) races oped” nations of the world had to
of the population, the negroid had few children. The great fear find a way to convince the “devel-
aboriginal tribes and the Pariahs was that this trend would lead to a oping” nations to hold down their
or Outcasts, who are gaining the “demographic cross,” with more of populations while telling them that it
fastest.” the “lower” races in the world than was for their own good.
Stoddard also wrote in his Rising the “higher.”
Tide of Color: Widespread contraception and ster-
None of the colored races shows perceptible This “demographic cross” has ilization, always followed by abor-
signs of declining birth-rate, all tending already come to pass. In 1950, Eu- tion, fits the bill perfectly.
to breed up to the limits of available rope possessed 22% of the world’s
subsistence….It can mean only one thing: population while Africa had only Until the 1960s, the population
A tremendous and steadily augmenting 9%. Even at that time, Africa’s pop- control movement was in hiber-
outward thrust of surplus colored men ulation was growing rapidly while nation, but then revived, spurred
from overcrowded colored homelands…. Europe’s was leveling out. In 1997, on by books like The Population
Crossings with the negro are uniformly fa- for the first time in history, Europe Bomb and Silent Spring. The Nixon
tal. Whites, Amerindians, or Asiatics ― and Africa had the same population. administration helped generate
all are alike vanquished by the invincible By the year 2050, the two continents an atmosphere favorable to pop-
prepotency of the more primitive, general- will have traded places; Africa will ulation control with its National
ized, and lower negro blood….In ethnic possess 22% of the world’s popu- Security Study Memorandum 200
crossings, the negro strikingly displays his lation while dying Europe will have (the “Kissinger Report”), which
prepotency, for black blood, once entering a only 8%. Just as importantly, by this said that we have to hold down the
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