Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 37
Health & Healing
populations of lesser-developed
countries in order to have access to
their natural resources. Behind this
document was the naked racism of
the major players in the government
at the time.
President Nixon said:
They [Mexicans] don’t live like a bunch
of dogs, which the Negroes do live like…
.A majority of people in Colorado voted
for abortion, I think a majority of people
in Michigan are for abortion, I think in
both cases, well, certainly in Michigan they
will vote for it because they think what’s
going to be aborted generally are the little
black bastards….As I told you ― we
talked about it earlier ― that a hell of the mostly white nations of Austra- Philippines, China, Kenya, Nigeria
a lot of people want to control the negro lia and New Zealand).[10] In fact, and a score of other poor nations
bastards. You know what we are talking fully 62% of the $101.4 billion total have been aborted and sterilized in
about ― population control. spent on population control since assembly-line conditions we would
1990 has targeted Africa. We might not tolerate for cattle in our rich
Both the domestic and international ask the question: Since 60% of the nations.
suppression of the black population world’s population lives in Asia, why
have been extraordinarily successful. is ten times as much money spent Conclusion
In the United States, 11% of the per capita on Africans? It is difficult to find examples of an
white population has been wiped overtly racist and eugenicist phi-
out by legal abortion, compared to This work is carried out by more losophy in the modern population
31% of the black population.[8] In than one hundred major non-gov- control movement today. Those
fact, it took 86 years (1882-1968) for ernmental organizations (NGOs) who work for it may genuinely
the Ku Klux Klan and other racists which are entirely or mostly focused believe that they are “helping” the
to lynch and kill 3,500 black people on population control. One of poor families of Africa, Latin Amer-
― but it takes only 86 hours to kill these is the World Wildlife Fund ica and Asia by preventing them
that many unborn black babies by (whose panda bear logo we are from having children, because this is
abortion. all familiar with). The WWF was exactly how they conduct their own
founded by Julian Sorell Huxley, lives. They authentically believe that
Interestingly, no population con- who said: progress requires sterility.
trol dollars were spent in the white
nations of Northern or Western The negro mind is as different from the Whatever their motivations, their
Europe from 1991 to 2013. But white mind as the negro from the white methods and allocation of funds re-
during this period the “developed” body….You have only to go to a nigger main identical to those who sought
nations spent about $4 per capita on camp-meeting to see the African mind in to exterminate people of color near-
population control in Asia; about $6 operation ― the shrieks, the dancing and ly a century ago. This fact should
in Latin America, the Middle East yelling and sweating, the surrender to the give significant pause to well-inten-
and Eastern Europe; and about $13 most violent emotion, the ecstatic blending tioned “development” professionals.
in Central America. of the soul of the Congo with the practice
of the Salvation Army….[intermarriage It is interesting to note that the electronic
Significantly, black regions have between the] negro and Caucasian type… version of Stoddard’s book The Rising Tide
received much more population gives rise to all sorts of disharmonious of Color is still very popular on white suprem-
control money per person ― $39 organisms. acist and racist websites around the world
per person in Africa, $49 per person today. For an electronic version of this book,
in the Caribbean islands, and $60 in Men and women from India, the complete with cover, e-mail Brian Clowes at
the islands of Oceania (excluding