Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 42

Health & Healing

          have this mama so and so who is the   legs crossed, prayer requests, fear of   think as we proceed we will embrace
          one taking care of this woman, and   what will happen to me. Will I come   it more and more.
          if you look at her, her mother was   out well? Will I be operated on?
          the one in the previous generation,   What drugs will I get? Will my baby   I think so, I think there really
          her grandmother and now she’s with   be fine? And we’ve really lost that   is a kind of  restoration going
          her daughter teaching her daughter   attachment to joy, and you know   on. I know in the west you
          for the next generation and it kind   the poem you read earlier really just   really see people jumping on
          of went on like that. So there were   describes how joyous this would   this whole homebirth midwife-
          these midwives who would be the    be. Songs, especially in the Afrikan   ry thing and now it’s become a
          ones taking care of the women. The   setting, I know now it’s the world
          amazing thing about our culture was   over, but songs always communicate   trend again, which now brings
          that women never gave birth alone   peace and joy and enthusiasm and   in more money and more
          in those olden days, they always   everything; so, this woman waiting   issues, but there is still that
          had other women around them and    for a song to usher in her child   purity which you are working
          secondly, you were so encouraged to   how will they be fearful? That’s   to preserve. You’re not only
          keep it positive. I know I joke about   what we’re doing one woman at a   interested in the moms by
          it, we need to pray when someone   time just bringing out the joy that is   themselves, but you also want
          goes into labor but it is not for   childbirth.                       to bring in more midwives into
          “Everybody stop! Prayer requests,                                     your fold?
          we are in labor! Call God.” It was   And you’re finding that wom-     Big dream but I believe it’s achiev-
          not that fear factor it was for “Yeah!   en are responding to this invi-  able. I see – and it’s nice to put this
          Lucy is in labor, she’s going to have   tation back to joy and celebra-  out there – I see a time when we
          her baby today.”                   tion of  life?                     will actually have more midwives
                                             With a lot of pressure, I would say,   get out of the hospital and really
          There are some cultures in Kenya   externally and internally, because   start serving moms in their homes.
          that really made me happy they even   you try tell your mom “Oh, I’ve   Many reasons, one because I just
          called the traditional dancers of the   decided to have a home birth.” And   believe it’s right and I believe if
          village to come and wait there, and   she’s thinking “What? Why? You   nothing is wrong with the mom or
          there was this whole dance and sing-  don’t have money? We can contrib-  the baby, birth should just honestly
          ing that went around when the baby   ute, we can look for people to give   be let to go the way that it does.
          came. I especially love the Luhya   you money. What is it? Midwife?   We’ve limited the strength and
          tribe because there was a song we   How midwives are in hospital.     capacity that women have and the
          sing, and I sang it as a little girl in   What’s happening?” So, there’s   power that they were created with
          school, that goes Mwana wa mberi   always that internal pressure then   for childbirth, so just getting to a
          and that was because it was the first   there’s other people who look at   place where we allow that to unfold
          child, and it backdates to those old-  you like “There must be something   and for every woman to experience
          en days where they would really cel-  wrong, we thought you’re weird   that power they have for childbirth,
          ebrate and dance around and there   but… you’re really pushing it. Are   getting that back will be really, really
          was a fireplace and everybody rallied   you your cousin in shags (the vil-  super. Honestly, it might sound like
          around. There were some places     lage)?” But then I know of families   a joke but you get more common
          where they would blow horns and    who are like initially it would be   colds than you give birth to chil-
          they would communicate that it’s a   “Wow what a drastic change.” And   dren so it’s better to enjoy the 2, 3,
          boy or a girl. In my actual tradition   I laugh about it when, especially   4 experiences you will have in your
          once the baby came out the women   the moms who are the soon to be    life. They had better be memorable,
          came out doing, we called them in   grandmas, are like “You know, I was   especially because your children will
          Kikuyu aririris and there would be a   actually born at home, yeah I gave   be with you for a lifetime.
          number for the boys and a number   birth at hospital but I was born at
          for the girls and that would commu-  home.” And we have a few grand-  Have you ever tried to talk to a
          nicate to everybody that in Lucy’s   mothers who are really happy with   woman even in her 70s-80s just ask
          homestead, a boy has been born.    it, “This is normal, this is what it   her how her childbirth experience
          And that really brought in a joy   is. It will be okay. This is what we   was? You will be very surprised she
          which unfortunately we miss today.   did.” So, we’ve come full circle and I   will narrate it to you like it happened
          Today it’s all for fingers crossed,

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