Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 43

Health & Healing

          yesterday, why? Because we have a   in a completely different way and   not the one delivering the baby, it’s
          memory, we always remember how     that realization actually helps us see   the woman delivering the baby. If
          that experience was like. So just   that it doesn’t really need to be in a   anything, midwives like to say that
          making it a memorable experience   particular institution, we just need to   we catch the baby because there’s a
          and allowing women especially to   govern the safety around it and just   way they come out and they jump
          participate in their own body, in   let it be, just lose control.     and we just catch them.
          their own experience becomes a
          very powerful thing. But, even above   I like what you’re saying      I like to say I’m going to attend a
          all that, because I might sound like   because it then actually ad-   birth, or I’m going to catch a baby
          I am talking a lot about the wom-  dresses foundational issues        when I want to say it on a light note,
          an and forgetting there is a baby   in terms of  the father and the   but it’s not about me, it’s about
          in there, you can imagine if you   mother, whether it is a new        the woman, and her baby, and her
          were given a choice to be born at a   father or mother situation or   husband, and their family. What
          hospital or to be born in your home,                                  we’re doing is changing the hierar-
          honestly if I was asked, I would   enlarging as you’re saying,        chy and putting the woman as the
          prefer to be in my home because I   bonding with each other and       lead, her family next. I like what
          think as a newborn a hospital can   creating a new environment        one midwife said, she said: “Mid-
          be a very scary place to be. First,   around this child and a new     wives are like guardian angels who
          you come out and there are all these   environment around their       just stand by you to make sure that
          people shouting congratulations and   home. That’s really enriching   everything is alright with you.” You
          you’re thinking “Wait, what hap-   because it brings in a stabi-      really never see your guardian angel
          pened?” Then there are lights, cam-  lization, a firmness a whole-    but you know they are with you all
          era, action! It’s bright, it’s loud, it’s   ness an appreciation for one   the time; they stop you from hitting
          cold. “Where is my mother? I know   another with the child. So,       your toe and making mistakes of
          that heartbeat. Who is this person   the husband and the wife will    turning left and right. It’s the same
          holding me upside down or trying                                      thing, I am quietly there allowing
          to rub my back?” So, the gentleness   see each other in a new way.    this woman and her husband to
          that comes with landing is complete-  The child is embraced in this   enjoy this moment, and her child,
          ly eliminated.                     atmosphere, and because of         if she has another child, because
                                             that, they are able to build in    we don’t mind where parents don’t
          One of the things we try to do at   a more stable fashion. Most       mind, we involve other offspring
          home is just bring the gentleness for   of  the births I have been told   that they have had, just allowing that
          the baby and that bonding for the   about have come from that         family to enjoy that moment. If you
          mom, the baby, the dad… because    place of  fear.                    decide to include your other family
          dads are also really eliminated in   It’s the intentional effort to actually   members or friends, it’s just allowing
          childbirth yet they are part of the   make the family the heroes as op-  you to go through this experience
          family that has just been born or   posed to the healthcare workers. So,   with the people you love people you
          just enlarged. Getting midwives to   you’re taking what is there and turn-  feel care for you and also give other
          recognize that side of things, which   ing it upside down. It’s not about   people the opportunity to care for
          we really don’t focus on, is my    me and how I caught your baby, it’s   you. Because, I will be honest, in
          dream, so that once we realize that   about how you birthed your baby,   hospital, we don’t have that time to
          and we start focusing on the family   it’s about how your husband sup-  be by your side all the time. Check-
          centered care - as opposed to just   ported you in going through this   ups are done every 3,4 hours. I have
          checking blood pressure and doing   process, it’s about how your baby   six of you in labor, if I give you
          vaginal examinations and making    landed and what you guys did to re-  ten minutes what’s happening to
          sure baby’s heartrate is okay - but   ceive that baby and to usher them in   the others? I have to be somewhere
          also just being involved in what   the world in calmness in peace. And   seated where you’re all available to
          really are these guys going through   yeah, it may sound bad and I know   me and I see who goes first. That’s
          what is this season like what are the   a lot of my colleagues usually hate   the ideal situation.
          details mentally, emotionally, spiri-  me for this, but I’m like really, I’m
          tually? What are the details in these   not going to deliver a baby, because   So, we don’t have that quality time
          people’s lives? It will actually make   usually, that’s the term we use, “Oh   to sit rub your back give you a sip of
          us morph into supporting childbirth   I’m going to deliver a baby.” You’re   water, wipe your brow, homebirths

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