Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 47
Health & Healing
Innovate Afrika
Africa where Black people will be in apartheid regime and many western
power, the white regime destroyed countries didn’t want the upcoming
all the country’s main military Black leaders to inherit such a pow-
facilities, ballistics missiles and erful arsenal.
dismantling all six complete nuclear
weapons shortly after the release ”The whole thing was dressed up as
of Nelson Mandela from prison in an honorable retreat from a nuclear
1990. Africa” said Frans Cronje, deputy
CEO of the South African Institute
South Africa hastily joined the of Race Relations, a Johannes-
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), burg-based think tank.
and seven weeks later the country
signed a Comprehensive Safeguards “A nuclear African state would be
Agreement with the International taken more seriously and would
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). have a stronger leadership role – it
forces people to take you seriously.
According to Greg Mills ”South
African authorities cooperated fully In leadership terms, renouncing nu-
with the IAEA during the whole clear weapons does the opposite – it
verification process, and were com- reduces your influence in foreign
mended by the then director-general affairs and international politics.
of the Agency in 1992, Dr. Hans
Blix, for providing inspectors with If renouncing nuclear weapons
unlimited access and data beyond grows your influence, others would
those required by the Safeguards be falling over themselves to surren-
Agreement” der their nuclear arsenals.” contin-
ued Frans Cronje
In less than 3 years all South Africa’s
ballistic missiles were scrapped, its While a racist, violent, and brutal
six nuclear weapons dismantled, oppression white apartheid regime
and any remaining missile engines was trusted to have and manage
destroyed. nuclear weapons, a Black and dem-
ocratically elected regime was not
To prevent any future attempt by trusted to manage them.
any upcoming South African admin-
istration to empower the country, That historic decision was all about
the apartheid regime enacted the racism. Nothing else.
most self-restricting legislation
in the form of the ”Act on the South Africa would today be stron-
Non-proliferation of Weapons of ger on the international stage if it
Mass Destruction” that makes pro- had retained a nuclear arsenal.
vision for a South African Council
for Non-proliferation of Weapons Editor’s comment:
of Mass Destruction to control This article begs the question of, how
exports of dual-use materials, equip- many things, ideas, innovations, systems,
ment and technology. technology that Afrika and Afrikans have
lost or had to walk away from because
While South African apartheid some faceless globalist would not allow
leaders’ actions were met with praise anything good about Afrika to come out?
by the western medias and leaders, But should this unrighteousness continue?
many saw this speedy destruction of Not at all. Only Afrikans can stop it and
all the country main military infra- we must do it now.
structures as a sign that the racist