Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 53


          NGO who are sent into government   What are we doing, Afrika? Each    ing industries across the continent?
          offices where the white man would   and every single day that we commit   Where are our own manufacturing
          otherwise struggle to gain access,   our time, energy and resources to   enterprises which are using our
          in order to help their organization   strengthen the system, businesses   local resources and creating great-
          get approvals to engage in activities   and organizations that are raping   er economic empowerment for
          in their countries that have dubious   Afrika, we are the ones who are   our people? Why are we still using
          objectives and even more dubious   essentially gathering our people up,   ‘begging bowl’ diplomacy to run our
          outcomes… most of which end up     chaining them and handing them     affairs in our countries? Where are
          with project financing in the pockets   over to a white investor who wants   our own education curricula that
          of the top hierarchy of the NGO’s   to take over the land or maintain   are based on our needs with regard
          project managers than they do on   some form of control over it. Using   to identity and purpose and stage
          the ground in actual transformative   our hands. Using our skin color and   of growth, rather than those of the
          community work. The enablers       nationality as the passport, visa and   west? Where are our own products
          are also the mid-level and junior   work permit to conquer Afrika once   based on what is grown in our land?
          staffers of the banks, consultancies,   again. For each decision we make   Where is our stand and position
          government offices, multinationals,   to rubber stamp or sign off on a   on poisonous agrochemicals and
          you name it who work diligently to   project or investment or whatever   pesticides and alternatives to it?
          ensure their employers’ successes   that enables their encroachment,   Where is our own healthcare system
          and interests are secure, for a mere   we become the faces and hands of   based on our cultural approaches
          pittance, all the while ignoring their   those who are actually finishing us   to life instead of this blind mimicry
          consciences which are asking them   off. How then can we even stand in   of the west’s problematic so-called
          – “Why are you selling out your own   a court of justice to demand what   solutions? Where is our unity as a
          people in favor of the people who   is ours – when in actual fact we   continent that allows our people to
          want to continue to pillage your   are handing it away for salaries and   interact and trade freely and gives
          continent? What are you doing?”    benefits or investment packages that   them advantage over the European,
          I’ve been there, so I know that this   do not even really do any good for   American or Chinese as opposed to
          is the case. You are involved in a   our continent?                   what we see on the ground now?
          project that is supposedly for the                                    You see, we cannot continue
          benefit of Afrika or a specific com-  “What do you mean they do not do   blaming the white man and his
          munity. You’re tasked with creating   any good? We have roads, hospitals,   neo-colonial aspirations for Afrika’s
          project plans, timelines, milestones   hundreds of thousands are em-  problems, the time to face ourselves
          and reports. In the process, you   ployed and able to take care of their   and deal with our own hearts and
          notice that resources allocated to   families! You’re wrong.” No. I’m not   minds and the reality that we have
          the project were actually skewed in   wrong. We have loans and debts and   not done what is required to get
          favor of certain people, regions and   IMF/World Bank controlling and   out of the holes that the enablers
          not actually for the benefit of those   dictating our government policy and   dug for our people is now. Actually,
          the project was created to target.   lifestyle realities. They decide how   instead of digging ourselves out, we
          You raise the issue and you are given   much our power, fuel and cooking   took shovels and dug ourselves in
          the “shut up, or else” talk or look   gas will cost, who will get or retain   deeper. Now it is time to stop that
          and you comply because, well, you   jobs and which thousands will be   and to get out. To do that, the en-
          have a mortgage or used car loan   laid off. They determine which     ablers must understand their crimes
          to pay off, or rent… or a lifestyle   roads will be built, why and when.   against their people and stop what
          that you prefer to maintain rather   They push policies which poison   they are doing. To do that, we must
          than becoming the poster boy or    our bodies, soils and water and they   stop pretending that Afrikans were
          girl to fight for justice for the lives   expect us to take it, just like we took   perfect little lambs who were and
          of those whose destinies – like it or   their blood money. No, dear brother   are nothing but victims in the neg-
          not – you are carrying in your hands.   and sister, I am right. They do us   ative narratives playing out on the
          So, you turn a blind eye to the issue   no good. Where, after over 60 years   continent. To do that, we must face
          and choose yourself, and become    of independence are our working    ourselves and grow up and choose a
          another one of the system’s enablers   petroleum refineries and thriving   different path.
          – abandoning those who needed      petroleum industries? Where are    It’s time for a different season to hit
          you most.                          our efficient electricity generation   Afrika, a season of growth and truth
                                             and distribution companies power-  and healing. Let’s do that. Now.

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