Page 56 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 56
Re- Education
Samuel Phillips
TAKE OFF YOUR is a writer, graphic designer, photogra-
pher, songwriter, singer and a lover of
sunglasses of ignorance God. As an Afrikan content creator, he
is passionate about creating a better im-
age and positive narrative about Afrika
ake off your sunglass- right now in Afrika. It’s beginning to and Afrikans.
es when looking at the look as if Afrikans are too reactive
issues of life and just to events and issues that they don’t saying.
Tmaybe you will see clearly. take the time to see the other sides We recently did a video on natural
of things. home births and how it is a very
There are multiple sides to ev- The world is in a very critical space indigenous system in Afrika and as
ery story and there are multiple right now, in which the tiniest of old as time. We had some comments
thoughts and intentions behind the words or wrong statements could from people who could not believe
things we see. And to judge a situ- lead to a massive shift in global that home births were not a foreign
ation from one side will be to tell a peace. And, as we behold the many concept. Imagine for a moment that
one sided story. events going on, it becomes very an Afrikan thinks that home births
important to pay attention to things are a modern construct of the West
The man who looks at the sun from around us and how we react to and were imported to Afrika. Why?
behind his dark sunglasses will them. It is now becoming a Hollywood
assume that the sun is dark and the Afrika, as both a continent and a trend and now associated with
man who looks at everything from people, is blessed with everything wealth and luxury for celebrities and
behind a magnifying lens will think required to thrive, so it beats the not what was the original system for
everything is very close to him. He mind when it seems that things birthing. There are big sunglasses
is deceived because he is not allow- don’t just go the direction they of foolishness that are covering the
ing truth to teach him. should be, simply because Afrikans eyes of the average Afrikan which
This is what happens when we judge themselves are their own troublers. make him see the things from Afrika
things from behind the sunglasses You tell an Afrikan what is possible as backward, but call that same thing
of our prejudices and biases. This in Afrika and they make fun of you innovative and modern when the
trend is becoming very rampant as if you do not know what you’re West or Europe does it. Remove
those dark sunglasses please!
56 | we tell the true afrikan story