Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 61

Food Health
       Food Health

                                                                                                   Farmer looking at
                                                                                                   erosion in field. Photo:


                   the new business of carbon farming

                                               by GRAIN | 24 Feb 2022

          •   The world’s largest agrochemical   the re-localization of  food systems can   governments have sidelined such
              companies want to use carbon credit   we effectively build carbon back into   alternatives. Small farmers with the
              programmes as a smokescreen for the   the soils and cut emissions in the food   knowledge, practices and seeds to
              emissions of  big oil, food and tech   system.                    maintain healthy soils have been
              corporations.                                                     pushed off of their lands and
          •   Faulty carbon sequestration schemes   ndustrial agriculture is much   criminalized. Researchers exploring
              reinforce a model of  industrial    like a sprawling mine. To get   ways to reduce fertilizers by build-
              agriculture and food that erodes soils   big yields, lands are mined of   ing up plant root systems or soil
              and is responsible for over a third of    Inutrients and then increasing   biodiversity have been marginalized,
              global greenhouse gas emissions.  amounts of chemical fertilizers are   underfunded and shut down. Mean-
          •   Farmer organisations and civil society   added to make up for the loss. The   while, millions of hectares of fertile
              groups in several countries are strug-  chemical fertilizers themselves are   forests, savannahs and peasant farm-
              gling to stop governments from passing   produced by mining minerals and   lands and pastures have been cleared
              legislation that would make these   extracting fossil fuels elsewhere.  to make way for sterile plantations
              corporate carbon farming schemes core                             growing only a few chemically-de-
              parts of  national emission reduction   There are ways to farm without   pendent varieties of commodity
              plans.                         depleting soils, but, over the years,   crops.
          •   Only through a vast programme of    agribusiness corporations and
              agroecology, land redistribution and

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