Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 59


                                             to glory are either killed or co-opted   world that literally forces all people
                                             to serve the system in its relentless   to live according to their dictates.
                                             pursuit of power. And the more     ‘Subphylum, vertebrata’.
                                             timid cower away in the shadows,   How so? Standardization, bench-
                                             reluctant to engage with so seem-  marking and globalization. What is
                                             ingly vicious and powerful a force,   considered to be the standard diet
                                             thereby allowing their illegitimate   for people to consume in order to
                                             authority the room it needs to fester   be healthy? What is considered to
                                             and grow. Like a fungus.           be the best education curriculum?
                                             It is the ‘law of the jungle’, after all,   What is considered to be the best
                                             the survival of the fittest because   standard of healthcare and disease
                                             man is but a beast, ‘phylum chorda-  prevention? What is considered to
                                             ta’. Or so they say.               be war and peace and how should
                                             Pause with me here for a moment    war be prevented or managed?
                                             to reflect on the convenience of this   What is considered to be the best
                                             narrative for the one who is hun-  practice for agriculture? What is
                                             gry for, and obsessed with, global   considered to be the ideal man-
                                             dominion. Do you see how easy it   ner to carry out trade? What is
                                             will be for them to create a global   considered to be the best form of
                                             system that favors only what they   government? What is considered
                                             want and only what they want to see   to be the best way to care for the
                                             come to pass? Their efforts to colo-  environment and natural resources
                                             nize much of the known world and   within it? All of these questions,
                                             to slay indigenous people across the   and more, have all been addressed
                                             globe was based on their theories of   and are covered under one treaty,
                                             evolution and claims of there being   charter, policy or recommendation
                                             a superior race and inferior races   or another under the UN or one of
                                             that were actually deemed to be    its ‘bodies’… and all upon the earth
                                             non-people. Moving forward from    are expected to just abide by these
                                             there, there was a creation not just   in order for there to be a just and
                                             of a supposedly superior race – but   fair world. As if! ‘Class, mammalia’.
     Chioma Phillips is the Editor of  Msingi Afrika Mag-  also of ‘superior’ nations deemed   Oh please, look around you! In
      azine and the host of  Msingi Afrika Television. Her   to be superpowers and better than   which corner of the globe are
     hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen,   everyone else, therefore best suited   things actually fair and just? Many
     for the transformation of  the people and the continent of    to police the world and its activities.   of the atrocities are actually carried
                Afrika - and the world.      Growing from there the emergence   out or endorsed by the ‘superpow-
                                             of a global system of governance   ers’. Try doing things differently
          ‘common’ populace who were not     that started with the League of Na-  and the system will find a way to
          born into the ‘noble’ and ‘superi-  tions and later rebranded the United   infiltrate your environment, crush
          or’ race, yet display aspects of the   Nations has deliberately created the   you in order to control you – or
          ‘superiority’ that is the elites’ claim   type of environment around the   eliminate you altogether. Wheth-

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022       59
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