Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 63

Food Health

          Nearly all of them are based in areas   them to allow for the most critical   of €110,000-240,000 (USD 124,483-
          where agriculture is dominated by   sources of emissions needed for our   271,600) over the first five years![10]
          large-scale farms producing a few   survival, not to offset the emissions   In some cases, the farmer has to pay
          commodity crops, such as the US,   of corporations like Walt Disney   for these costs; in most cases the
          Brazil, Australia and France. They   and PepsiCo.                     costs are integrated into the pro-
          focus almost entirely on the adop-                                    gramme. But, either way, the high
          tion of two simple practices: rota-  Another major problem with these   costs mean that rigorous verification
          tions with cover crops and reduced   corporate programmes is the lack   is completely out of the question
          or no-tillage (no-till), which essen-  of permanence. While cuts to fossil   when it comes to small farms and
          tially involves burning down weeds   fuel emissions are real and imme-  barely economical for even the
          with a broad-spectrum herbicide like   diate, there is no guarantee that   largest farms.
          glyphosate.                        the carbon sequestered by carbon
                                             credit farming will not be released   To bring costs down, corpora-
          There are a few exceptions. Yara is   back into the atmosphere. Most   tions are focussing their efforts
          testing a pilot programme in India   carbon credit farming programmes   on developing remote verification
          through its Agora Carbon Alliance,   last ten years when carbon needs to   systems, where satellite and aero-
          and the Dutch agribusiness lender   be stored for at least 100 years to   plane monitoring, historical soil
          Rabobank has a partnership with    meaningfully make a difference to   records, and models are used to
          Microsoft that pays small farmers   global warming. Once the pro-     estimate the carbon sequestered.
          in Asia, Africa and Latin America   gramme ends, land can be converted   Remote verification, however, can
          to plant trees on their lands. Rabo-  to a parking lot or ploughed up   never be as accurate as soil testing.
          bank intends to sign contracts with   and doused with chemical fertil-  For example, researchers looking
          15 million farmers within the next   izers without any penalty. Indeed,   into carbon credits purchased by
          decade.                            climate change will lead to more   Microsoft from a large-scale pasture
                                             weather events, like droughts and   farm in Australia where remote
          Magical thinking                   fires, that greatly increase the risks   verification was used found that the
                                             of carbon being released from the   level of carbon sequestration was
          Corporations are pushing ahead     soil. To make up for this lack of   greatly overestimated. Moreover,
          with these carbon credit pro-      permanence, carbon credit farming   remote verification becomes even
          grammes even though there are      programmes usually deduct 20-25%   less accurate when farmers are not
          many well-known problems and       from the credits accredited to par-  growing large-scale monoculture
          limitations.                       ticipating farmers as a buffer-- but   crops using uniform industrial prac-
                                             there is no scientific basis to this fig-  tices. It cannot effectively measure
          The most glaring problem is that   ure. Indeed, one US carbon farming   soil carbon changes in complex,
          these programmes are all based on   company admits it would cost over   agroecological farming systems,
          offsets. The companies finance their   ten times more for credits that are   where multiple crops, livestock
          programmes by selling credits to   based on 100 years of carbon reten-  and trees are integrated. In fact,
          corporations or governments to off-  tion in the soils. No carbon credit   even soil testing has its limitations.
          set their actual fossil fuel emissions.   buyer is willing to pay this much.  A recent global survey found that
          But it isn’t possible for soils to ab-                                farming without tillage (no-till) only
          sorb enough carbon to significantly   Then there is the issue of how to   increases the soil organic matter at
          offset global fossil fuel emissions. In   measure the carbon sequestered.   the surface level of the soil, where
          a best-case scenario, soils could ab-  Annual soil testing and field vis-  soil test samples are taken, but when
          sorb roughly the amount of carbon   its are expensive and, in practice,   samples are collected that cover a
          that has been historically lost from   prohibitive without subsidies or   greater depth, there is no significant
          industrial agriculture, after which   a much higher carbon price. The   change in carbon.
          there can be no further sequestra-  OECD estimates that these costs,
          tion. Soil carbon sequestration can   combined with financial fees, can   An additional problem with cor-
          in no way substitute for immediate   add up to 85% of the total value of   porate carbon farming is the issue
          and deep reductions in fossil fuel   the carbon credits.[9]The EU’s Life-  of “additionality”. To qualify as
          emissions.[6]Moreover, since soils   CarbonFarming scheme estimates   carbon offsets, farmers enrolled in
          are one of the only major carbon   costs to each farm for validation,   carbon farming programmes have
          sinks that exist, we should only use   verification, and market registration   to show that they are sequestering

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