Page 67 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 67

Food Health

          country’s sovereignty and right to   food between peasant farmers and
          self-determination, by granting plant   indigenous people in Honduras. It
          breeders’ rights over our native   should also take steps to bolster the
          seeds and plant varieties for emi-  conservation, management, and use
          nently commercial use, to the detri-  of native seeds as a strategy to adapt
          ment of our free use of our natural   to climate change.
          resources and wealth.”
          2) “The UPOV Convention, by        Seeds are essential for life and for
          means of Legislative Decree no. 21-  the full exercise of the human right
          2012, violates constitutional princi-  to food. Without seeds, there can
          ples for life, human dignity, and the   be no food, and without food, no
          right of the Honduran people to an   people. After a ten-year fight, the
          adequate standard of living.”      peasant farmers of Honduras have
          3) “It represents an attack on the   achieved a resounding victory for
          human right to nutrition and health,   life and food sovereignty.
          as well as the right of populations to
          nutritious, healthy, and culturally ap-  Editor’s comment:
          propriate foods, in terms of access,   Its such a joy to see that the war on
          availability, and safety.”         imperialism, irrespective of  which sector
          4) “The content of Decree 21-      it is manifesting, can be won. It is such a
          2012 contradicts article 145 of the   blessing to know that it does not take the
          Constitution which recognizes the   billionaires of  this world to win such wars,
          obligation of the State of Honduras   but simple people whose eyes and hearts are
          to protect the environment, with a   still open to see the injustice and manipu-
          view to protecting the health of its   lation going on in the global food system.
          inhabitants.”                      Such people with such hearts are the real
          5) “Legislative Decree 21-2012, con-  heroes of  the common man. A big kudos
          taining the Law for Protection of   to the peasant farmers and the independent
          Plant Varieties, contravenes the duty   producer groups in Honduras for taking a
          of the State of Honduras to safe-  godly stand against such wickedness.
          guard our native cultures and farm-
          ers’ rights, which are constitutionally   We at Msingi Afrika Magazine are pas-
          and internationally recognized.”   sionate about seeing a reversal of  the evil
                                             being done to seeds, especially indigenous
          Based on these observations, the   seeds. Seeds are life carriers and anyone
          Honduran Supreme Court of Justice   who tampers with them in whatever shape
          unanimously declared the “total un-  or form is tampering with life and that
          constitutionality of the LAW FOR   should concern all of  us. The global death
          PROTECTION OF PLANT VARI-          rate due to malpractices in the agriculture
          ETIES, owing to its contravention,   sector is alarming and it calls for a quick
          restriction, and undermining of    action.
          constitutional rules, international   Afrika is home to many indigenous seeds
          treaties signed by Honduras, and in-  and farming systems that are as old as
          ternational standards concerning the   time. The wicked attack on seeds and
          protection of the right to adequate   organic farming system is also very strong
          nutrition”.                        here. But we believe that if  Honduras can
                                             take a stand to fight and win the evil on
          ANAFAE considers that, rather      seeds and organic food production, Afrika
          than encouraging privatization of   can much more do so. Why? Afrika is the
          seeds, the State should promote fairs   mother of  humanity and there is power
          where seeds can be exchanged and   and authority that comes with that. Let’s
          sold, and support the circulation of   use it and victory is sure.
          genetic material for agriculture and

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 22 | APRIL  2022        67
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