Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 22
P. 65

Food Health

          “green” investments. Financial man-
          agers can now use digital platforms     Australia’s soil grab and similar threats in other countries
          to buy farms in Brazil, sign them
          up for carbon credits, and run their
          operations all from their offices on    Australia established a national Carbon Farming Initiative in 2011 to
          Wall Street.                            generate offsets to meet its emissions reduction targets. Projects that
                                                  meet the Initiative’s guidelines can sell Australian carbon credit units
                                                  (ACCUs) through the Climate Solutions Fund to the government or
          Well-grounded solutions
                                                  Australian corporations. So far, the government has been by far the
                                                  largest buyer of ACCUs.[23]Some of the corporations participating in
          The food system is the source of        these projects include Shell, through its subsidiary Select Carbon, and
          over a third of global greenhouse       TotalEnergies, through a tie-up with the Australian carbon farming
          gas emissions, and climate actions      company Agriprove.
          must focus first and foremost on
          reducing emissions, not offsets.        The Initiative has had difficulty generating enough carbon credits to
          Programmes that help farmers to         meet the demand from Australia’s big emitters, who much prefer offset-
          restore carbon in their soils are       ting emissions to reducing them. So, to increase supply, the government
          necessary and should be publicly        has opted to lower standards for carbon credits, such as dropping the
          supported. Still, to effectively deal   obligation on carbon farming projects to ensure a permanence period
          with the climate crisis, they must be   from 100 years to 25 years. However, with the price for carbon credits
          firmly integrated with larger actions   increasing, Australia is now faced with a carbon credit land grab. In
          to eliminate greenhouse gas emis-       early 2022, the government put forward legislation to give it a veto on
          sions on the farm and throughout        carbon farming projects of over 15 hectares to stop financial compa-
          the food system. This requires a rap-   nies from buying up farmland and converting it to tree plantations for
          id phase-out of nitrogen fertilizers    carbon credits. The government needed the veto because investors
          and other chemical inputs. It means     were buying up large swaths of productive agricultural land only to
          a widespread shift to agroecological    “simply walk away and throw away the key”.
          farming, along with support to local
          food markets that can bring these       Others warn that Australia’s purchase of millions of carbon credits
          foods to nearby consumers and ac-       from carbon offset projects that cannot guarantee permanence will
          tions that ensure small farmers have    jeopardise its overall emissions targets. The vice-chair of the Intergov-
          access to lands and water. It means a   ernmental Panel on Climate Change, Mark Howden, says Australia’s
          revitalisation of farmer seed systems   reliance on soil carbon to cut emissions is “problematic and risky” as
          focussed on developing varieties        the climate warms. “As things get hotter and drier, which is the predic-
          adapted to local contexts and not       tion for southern Australia, then the soil carbon is likely to go down,”
          dependent on chemical inputs. It        he says.
          involves policies to eliminate the
          surplus production and consump-         Yet other governments with highly polluting agricultural sectors seem
          tion of high-emissions foods, like      determined to follow Australia’s questionable path. The National Fam-
          meat and dairy, and the wasteful and    ily Farm Coalition and other civil society organisations in the US are
          unhealthy ultra-processed foods that    locked in a fight to stop the Biden administration from passing legisla-
          the big food corporations heavily       tion that would create a national market for carbon credit farming.[26]
          promote.                                Similarly, the European Coordination Via Campesina and other groups
          The food and agribusiness corpo-        in Europe are battling to stop the European Commission from forging
          rations that profit off of today’s      ahead with its own plans for a European-wide carbon credit farming
          global food system will not support     programme.[27]Even Brazil, where the agricultural sector accounts for
          these real solutions. Corporations      over two-thirds of national emissions (if deforestation is included), the
          are cogs in the wheel, and unless       Bolsonaro government is pursuing a National Emissions Reductions
          their power is challenged, they will    Market that would exclude most agriculture emissions from national
          continue to block necessary action      caps and thus enable the sale of offsets from carbon credit farming to
          and push us into diversions like car-   foreign companies and governments.
          bon credit farming. No amount of
          greenwashing can alter that reality.

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