Page 113 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 113


          And the person gaslighting         next rains.  The farmer will       or civilization has come to our

          them is the one who will be        need food aid. Reports will be     doorstep but don’t look behind
          selling  this  tech  to  them  and   written about the provision of   the curtains to see the hands of
          using the data collected from      the jembe was patriarchal, and     the puppeteer doing the magic.

          us. The seller of the steel jembe.  how  the  youth,  women  and
          But when we ask about the          other minorities didnt get steel   The  very  youths  who  are  the
          steel jembe, the civil society     jembes. Journalists will do        target of projects like NSSM-
          types, funded by the steel jembe   “investigative reporting” to say   200 and who are supposed to be
          manufacturer, go hysterical.       woiyee and get awards.             thinking and engaging truth are

          They wail that we’re obsessed                                         busy doing videos and arguing
          with blaming the west and that     Meanwhile, the  manufacturer       about which  African  country
          we don’t want the farmer to get    goes to the next Davos to boast    has the best capital city or best

          assistance in planting food.       about helping African farmers.     infrastructure, which, by the
          Have you noticed the slippage      After all, from this whole         way, are mostly built using debt
          here? You’re talking about the     operation, the manufacturer        from the banks that are run by
          tool, but they are gaslighting     has recouped his costs from the    the very people who are behind
          you to talk about the food by      tenders to sell steel handles, and   the agenda to keep the youths

          accusing you of wanting people     has a foundation to sanitize his   unproductive.
          to starve. It’s amazing!           reputation, and best of all, he
          And if you try to clarify what     has captured your farming. You     There is a massive agenda to

          you’re saying, they’ll tell you    can’t eat except what he decides   perpetually keep  Africa poor
          that you’re proud and that you     you will eat.                      through the use of chaos, proxy
          refuse to accept you’re wrong.                                        wars, violent insurrections,
          But wrong about what?  They        That’s what’s going to happen      harmed groups who are funded
          don’t say. How are you wrong?      with Digital ID. Our lives won’t   by the very people talking about

                                             change.  The economy won’t         peace-keeping missions, and
          And that’s the evil genius of      grow.  We’ll just have more        then also control her population
          this system. When you want to      tech, more bureaucracy, more       through    the   gay    agenda,

          go to the detail, they gaslight    forms  to  fill,  more  trips  to  the   abortions,  contraceptives  and
          you with broad narratives, when    GoK offices, more hours online,    even vaccines.
          you want to discuss the broad      to slow us down from noticing
          narratives, they condemn you       that nothing is working.  And      It is sad while all these agendas
          for not discussing the detail.     has never worked.”                 are going on, many Africans are

          So, back to the farmer with the                                       busy dancing around the “new
          steel handled jembe.               So, just as  Wandia Njoya’s        shiny jembe” while the land
                                             writeup has painted clearly,       (the real issue) is left untilled.

          The farmer doesn’t plant           Africans love to dance around
          enough, and doesn’t have           projects and narratives that fuel   But for how long?
          enough food to last till the       the falsehood that modernity

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      113
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