Page 111 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 111


                                             To protect U.S. commercial         challenging the flow of mineral

                                             interests,  NSSM-200      cited    resources  from  their  countries
                                             several factors that could         to the US.
                                             interrupt  the  smooth  flow  of

                                             materials from LDCs to the         I remember when we posted
                                             United States, including a large   that video, some of the most
                                             population of anti-imperialist     mindless responses we got,
          2020, we revealed some things      youth whose numbers must be        which were mostly insults by
          that the system would not want     limited by population control.     the way, came from the very
          the world, especially Africans,    The  document  identified  13      Africans that we were trying to

          to know.  We talked about the      nations by name that would         reach with the information of
          Kissinger Report (The NSSM-        be the primary targets of U.S.     what is going on in the continent.
          200), which is a document that     government population control      To their mind, we were trying to
          details the primary purpose of     efforts.  Some  of  the  target    spoil the “good work” that these

          U.S. government population         nations  in  Africa  are  Nigeria,   foreign organizations are doing
          control  efforts  to  maintain     Ethiopia, Kenya and some other     in  Africa.  And no less than
          access to the mineral resources    nations with big populations       four of such videos have been
          of less-developed countries        of young people who are            removed by YouTube from our

          or LDCs. (You can watch the        considered  too  volatile  for  the   channel.
          VIDEO on our Video Website.)       system to handle when things

                                             go south.                          I found a very interesting post
          The Kissinger Report states:                                          by Dr  Wandia Njoya on her

                                             So basically, the NSSM-200 was     Facebook page about Kenya’s
          The U.S. economy will require      created as a project to depopulate   digital ID and the manipulation
          large and increasing amounts       or keep the population of          of minds and realities that
          of minerals from abroad,           Africa in check using all forms    happen to make it look like

          especially from less developed     of contraceptives including        things are working when, on the
          countries.  That fact gives the    abortion or what we call medical   contrary, they are not. What she
          U.S. enhanced interest in the      genocide.  To the average          wrote makes a very strong point
          supplying countries’ political,    African, the contraceptives        about how the system creates

          economic, and social stability.    that organizations like Mary       a narrative using falsehoods
          Wherever     a   lessening   of    Stopes, USAID, Bill Gates          painted with big words which
          population pressures through       and the like bring to Africa are   do not change anything in the
          reduced birth rates can increase   good for helping with the so-      long run.

          the prospects for such stability,   called ballooning population of
          population    policy   becomes     Africa, but the actual intention   She wrote:
          relevant to resource supplies      was to make sure the  African      “Digital technology is a tool.
          and the United States’ economic    continent never grows its young    Like a jembe. For a jembe to

          interests.                         population to the point of         work, it must be held by someone

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