Page 107 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 107
operational costs if you set your
mind and heart to forming your
entrepreneurial venture and
adopting e-commerce. Most
importantly, you do not need
brick-and-mortar premises if
you are riding on the beauty of
e-commerce. To this effect, you
have to ensure that you have an
up-and-running, aesthetically
pleasing website to achieve the
true purpose of e-commerce.
This is a prerequisite for people
to know what your company is
all about. It is worth noting that
services they want. Entrepreneurs pride themselves you must have an updated, user-
on taking advantage of friendly website so customers
They are even allowed to easily opportunities since they are can get the current information
choose from many options in the the first movers. Interestingly, they need. You should see that
comfort of their homes or offices e-commerce has come as a the search engine optimization
that weren’t present in yester- blessing to entrepreneurs, for it is activated and working well,
years. That said, customers has dealt away with geographical so it is easy to search and find
save time and money, which barriers. It has connected people your entrepreneurial venture
is a blessing in this fast-paced from different parts of the world, on the internet when certain
world. As a result, customers ensuring the global village words are typed. In light of the
are finding the product that aspect is showcased. One can above stated, this will increase
they want timeously. This also efficiently market their products the traffic to your website. At
points out every entrepreneur’s online, therefore carving out the same time, you can make
mandate to bring value to the their niche market perfectly. follow-ups on those who have
end consumer. Entrepreneurship visited your site. Technology
is always about going the extra Using e-commerce costs are has made it possible; therefore,
mile to satisfy your customers significantly cut for most a good reason entrepreneurs
whilst addressing their problems. Zimbabwean, normally cash- should think outside the box
If you practice these doctrines, strapped entrepreneurs. This and target customers worldwide
you will never go wrong. If contradicts some researchers’ is that payments can be quickly
there is ever a possibility of argument that the costs of made through e-commerce.
effectively using e-commerce setting up this operation will be This is very common for digital
to achieve this, then do not let it high. Instead, the end benefit products amongst other services
slip on your fingers. outweighs these start-up and on the internet because it all