Page 105 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 105


                                                Image by: Graciela Gonzalez Brigas
                                                Image source:

          Memory Phiri is a Travel and recreation con-
          sultant who has vast experience in the tourism
          industry. She also is a free-lance writer in
          addition to being a sustainable activist. You
          can get in touch with her on

          geo-tourism cynosure naturally
          endowed. In reference, rock
          art was practised in the Stone
          Age period by the Bushman

          or Khoisan. It is rhetorical
          to say they were hunters and
          gatherers, for the paintings       art is still vivid despite the     from around the world trickle
          say it all in a splash of artistry.   unforgiving weather conditions.   into Matobo and try to decipher

          Inarguably, we have hardcore       A vote of thanks to the            and discern everything
          evidence of images holding         indigenous knowledge systems       brilliantly communicated
          arrows to assuage that thirst      practised in areas around the      through the paintings. For
          and quest for knowledge about      attraction, namely Silunguzi,      treasured readers, Bulawayo,

          humankind’s evolution.             for they have managed to           or the City of Kings, is
                                             conserve the paintings for         the place to be regarding
          Accordingly, these                 decades. Furthermore, the          royalty. Undisputed examples
          accomplishments should             United Nations Educational,        reconnoitre Ndebele kings such

          be preserved and held with         Scientific and Cultural            as Mzlikazi and Lobengula,
          high esteem because our            Organization (UNESCO)              descendants of Shaka the
          predecessors left us a legacy of   declared the attraction a          Great. Matabeleland Tourism
          masterpieces that we are proud     cultural and heritage site; thus,   hosts Khami Ruins, Bushman

          to relate and show to others. We   it is guarded jealously. Rock      Safaris, and the Natural History
          can now interpret their way of     art serves its purpose, for it     Museum. Rock art brings out
          living, for we know where we       symbolises our history and         the best in tourism, and it will
          came from and that it all started   unites us as a people when        never run its course, not in a

          in the caves.                      considering the upcoming           million years.
                                             Africa Day on the 25th of this
          Matobo Hills in Matabeleland       month.                             Visit Matobo National Park,
          province continues to live up                                         and all the aforementioned will

          to expectations because the        Suffice it to say that tourists    come to pass.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 23 | JANUARY 2024      105
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