Page 103 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 103
has taken a lot from various
poachers; however, it adamantly
refuses to stay behind the
SAVE THE scenes. Profoundly, tourism
gives us a wake-up call by
filling in all the blanks about the
tourism calendar. We are proud
RHINOS to state that we have the Save
the Rhino Day in May and the
World Rhino Day in September.
These days are set aside solely
to uphold and celebrate the rhino
and our tireless efforts towards
Emphatically, the rhino makes absence. A ceremony was held as its welfare. The conservation
the tourism world go round. part of an awareness campaign ante was upped in August as
To be blatant, the big five will to end this dry spell and to keep the Rhino Run at Lake Chivero
not fit the bill if the rhino goes on the lookout for the spiteful Recreational Park was held. We
extinct. Adding salt to this poachers. Likewise, let’s be urge everyone to register, for
festering wound, game viewing logical and remain vigil in the proceeds will go towards
will never be the same if the caring for the rhinoceros so that fencing the park to protect our
rhino is dehorned, even for its it will be up and about, feeling beloved herbivores. The rhino
safety. at home in the wilderness. will never be a basket case if
we act now. It will strut around
For everyone out there who The rhino has thick skin and happily ever after, defying all
is going to read this article, odds in its wake.
remember that the future
generation has the right to see
the rhino with its unicorn horn
intact to comprehend its history.
Even if the going gets tough, we
cannot let it perish and be made
a statistic like the dinosaur and
the dodo. In 2021, Gonarezhou
National Park reinforced the
Save the Rhino mantra by
succeeding in bringing back
the black rhinoceros to the park Female wildlife rangers. Stock photo:
with a bang after its thirty-year