Page 104 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 23
P. 104


    Image by: Graciela Gonzalez Brigas
    Image source:


          Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe

                   eotourism, as a           supreme and tells its own story    in awe at these jaw-dropping
                   typology of the           regarding rock art painting.       works of art because they want
          Ghospitality industry,             We call it an outstanding          to understand our history in line

          denotes that authentic art can     form of indigenous graffiti, a     with the exhibited graphics. Let
          be found visually in caves.        phenomenon.                        me assure you that Bulawayo
          It’s justifiable to say we have                                       has the highest concentration
          our certified galleries and        Rock art, in this case, acts as    of rock art painting centres

          Picassos at numerous tourist       the icing on top for both the      when compared to other
          destinations. Exclusively,         granite kopjes and Matopos         destinations in southern Africa
          Matobo Hills always reigns         recreational park. Tourists stare   in general. We are a blessed

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