Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 25
P. 18



          Freeman: “Most Significant Accomplishment for

          Ethiopia in Foreign Policy was Joining the BRICS”

          Excerpts from my interview with ETHIOPIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION The Voice of Pan-
          Africanism. For the entire article by Wegayehu Muluneh, read: Ethiopia’s Evolving International

                   ccording to Lawrence      in sub-Saharan Africa, East        like Ethiopia to have their own
                   Freeman, the              Africa, and the Horn of Africa.    institution and promote their
          Amost significant                  The analyst underlined that the    own policies, independent
          accomplishment for Ethiopia        formation of the BRICS and         of the dictates of the western
          in foreign policy was joining      its growth institutionally over    geopolitical financial elite.

          the BRICS. As of January 1st,      the last decade is extremely
          2024, Ethiopia has become one      important, because the             Lawrence Freeman said
          of ten nations that comprise       western-dominated political        Ethiopia’s influence in Africa
          the BRICS, and also one of         and financial institutions are     in general and in East Africa
          three nations on the African       suffering in terms of their        in particular will grow as the
          continent that belonged to the     control of the world’s politics    BRICS itself continues to
          BRICS. Freeman believes this       and finances. This gives an        become a weightier institution

          solidifies Ethiopia’s diplomatic   opportunity for developing         providing an alternative to
          position as a leading nation       nations or emerging nations        the western political financial

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