Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 61


          health  care  services  based  on   in the whole of the person, the   of Africans has so much modern

          culture, religious background,     root  cause  of  diseases,  and  not   knowledge but has been cut off
          knowledge,     attitudes,   and    symptoms that modern medicine      from the wisdom of the past that
          beliefs that are prevalent in his   concentrates on.                  sees the whole rather than just

          community. Illness  is regarded                                       the individual. We need to bridge
          as having  both  natural and       Education                          that gap again.
          supernatural  causes and thus      Learning  and education  that
          must be treated by both physical   occurred    in   Africa    were    From the three examples above,
          and  spiritual  means.  Herbal     necessitated   to   meet    the    it’s easy  to  see  that  African

          medicine  is the cornerstone of    exigencies   of    the   whole     wisdom and  knowledge  system
          traditional  medicine  but may     society  through training  of its   were created  in such a way
          include  minerals  and animal      members either  in groups or       that fostered holistic  healing

          parts.                             on an individual  basis.  This     of a person, and community
                                             approach  fostered  cooperation    cohesion, which when contrasted
          Herbal medicine  was once          and    collaboration   amongst     with the modern-day system
          termed  primitive  by  Western     the community members and          of knowledge,  is miles  apart.
          medicine  but  through  scientific   promoted  the  perfection  of    The culture of modern-day

          investigations,  there is a better   knowledge and skills before      individualism and consumerism
          understanding of its therapeutic   being transmitted  to posterity.   is a corruption that must be
          activities  such   that   many     According to  Vanqa (1995)         dealt with using ancient African

          pharmaceuticals    have    been    essentially training was intended   wisdom.
          modeled  on phytochemicals         to enable an individual  to play
          derived  from it.  Even  though    a  useful  role  in  society. It  is   Prayer for Morocco
          it is a well-known  thing that     important  to mention  that  the   Ancient  Moroccan  architecture
          when foreign pharmaceutical        learning did not follow any        is just a fragment of what you

          companies  come  to  Africa  to    comprehensive     and    formal    bring to the  African  table, so,
          get major components from the      curricula,  which in most cases    may you find more grace to share
          plants that are found in Africa for   resulted in important knowledge   more  African wisdom for life

          their medicines, they don’t give   and skills getting lost when the   and living and the betterment of
          credit  or worthy compensation     custodians  of such knowledge      all Africans.
          to the communities from where      and  skills  died  or lost  their
          they get  the plants,  but that    cognitive abilities.  But here is   You are blessed Morocco and
          does not take  away from the       where modern-day recording         may you remain blessed and

          effectiveness of Africa’s holistic   systems can help. And like health,   lifted above all that fights against
          health system.                     African education deals with the   your progress.
                                             whole person in connection with

          The  point  I am  making  is, we   the community.
          need to take seriously our African
          holistic medicine  that factors    And to be frank, this generation

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