Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 58

Food Health

             country.                           promoter genes in #Innscor’s       is happening with GMO

                                                GMO laced food and #Profeeds       terminator genes in Africa is
             At this point these nations        animal feed to show that this      what you will clearly call a
             are forced to rebuy GMO or         biological weapon is being sold    national security threat and

             hybrid seeds from the leading      secretly on the global market.     such threats must be given
             producers that are U.S. and                                           a clean and clear military
             Chinese.                           Editor’s Note                      tactical solutions. The threat
             Even more insidious, once a                                           is so massive and invasive
             nation’s nonGMO crops have         I really do not think there is     of our food systems, human

             been contaminated by the           any better way to explain this     and environmental health
             GMO pollen (with or without        evil that is going on under our    and everything we hold dear
             the terminator gene), these        very noses. Rutendo has done       that only a quick national

             American biotech companies         a very good job explaining this    emergency response will begin
             are known to go around testing     evil that is happening to world    to tackle it.
             seeds and grains during harvest    food system and that includes
             time and when they find their      that of Africa. And one of the     There are lots of questions
             GMO strains in the grains, they    amazing thing he has also done     begging for answers even as

             sue for technology-use fees and    recently is the path of “food      you watch things unfolding
             royalties.                         war” he took against Innscor,      in the food and agric sector.
                                                a company that specializes in      Questions like, how can

             If a country refuses to pay        the production and distribution    Africans invest their money
             the taxes and royalties, the       of food products in Zimbabwe,      and time in such companies or
             companies get the U.S.             Kenya and other African            work for such people whose
             government to approach the         countries. Rutendo accused         missions are to harm or even
             countries buying these grains      them of having illegal GMO         kill Africans? It does not make

             and get their governments          products in their food products,   sense.
             to remove a 1% tax from the        which in turn led to a court
             payment to the country where       case and the case is still on      If we leave the control of the

             the GMO has tainted the            going. We will do a more           production of our food in the
             national seed, and they pay the    comprehensive video on this        hands of those who do not
             biotech company.                   story. Well done Rutendo.          blink an eye-lid before wasting
                                                                                   anything or anyone standing in
             According to global literature,    We have been sharing about         their evil agenda, then we have

             the terminator gene or GURT        these things for years and         by our own hands sentenced
             has not been licensed for          hoped more Africans will join      ourselves to destruction.
             commercialization by the           in the fight against the corrupt   We must act now before its

             Americans. However, through        system that is controlling         too late. Join the movement
             our scientific lab tests, we have   our food. We cannot close         to stop this evil agenda.
             found this terminator gene and     our eyes to the fact that what     #wakeupafrican

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