Page 55 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 55

Food Health

                                             Zimbabwe’s herd value              arid and desert conditions, it’s
                                             has been compromised by            clear that Western farming or

                                             genetic hybridization, while       animal husbandry techniques
                                             reproductive capacity has          are inferior to traditional
                                             likely been reduced due to         practices.
                                             factors such as hybridization,

                                             vaccinations, GMO feeding          So why then are African
                                             and pesticide contamination        leaders pushing us to follow
                                             of feed which has resulted in a    inferior Western farming
          average price of $1300 due         less disease tolerant herd.        systems instead of using
          to their purebred cattle, while                                       empirical evidence on the

          in Zimbabwe, the average is        Even South Africa, which           continent to build the farming
          $250 per cow due to reduced        utilizes Western technology        models we should follow?
          pure bloodlines. Chad, with a      in cattle ranching, has a lower    I recently read a US
          population of 17 million, has a    cattle per capita ratio than even   Department of Trade memo

          herd worth an average of $41.6     Zimbabwe, with 12.3 million        encouraging US companies to
          billion or $2447 per person in     cattle in a nation of 61 million   enter Chad, Ethiopia and Sudan
          national wealth terms.             people. The average price of a     to sell vaccines, medicines,

                                             cow in South Africa is $410,       and veterinary products. They
          Meanwhile, Zimbabwe, with          totaling $4.9 billion or $82 per   are now trying to undermine
          16 million citizens and a herd     person.                            these successful cattle ranching
          of 5.6 million valued at an                                           countries, and if their leaders
          average of $250 per cow, has a     Given these observations and       are like those in Southern

          herd worth $1.4 billion or $93     the fact that the countries with   Africa, they will blindly copy
          per person in national wealth      some of the biggest herds in       and destroy their national
          terms.                             Africa are in nations with semi-   wealth. #WakeUpAfrica

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