Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 53
So, despite the United States’ sanctions off our government, It also appreciates the key
attempts to discredit the UN parastatals, private companies, movers and shakers who gave
Special Rapporteur for her most politicians and civilians. life to our fight: Johanna Le
report, they knew she was right Blanc, President Ramaphosa,
because they had an internal We also believe that by Naledi Pando, Clayson Monyela,
report from their own Congress imposing Magnitsky Sanctions DIRCO, the very supportive
confirming what the UN on our leading officials, the Ambassador Hamadzirpi,
rapporteur was saying. U.S. is attempting to save people at the Zimbabwe
face and gain leverage for consulate and Embassy, Felix
This is why, when Hopewell reparations negotiations with Ndabakunye, Phillip Chabata,
hosted a discussion between our government, behind closed SADC, Memory Chakwita,
EU and US ambassadors doors. Pauline Chipamaunga, our
and Rutendo Matinyarare on well-wishers and financial
October 25, 2021, the U.S. It’s evident that these Magnitsky supporters, those who read our
Chargé d’Affaires, Thomas sanctions, based on allegations material and used it to frame
Hastings, hinted that the as articulated by the U.S. policy and laws like the Patriotic
U.S. was considering easing itself, will never stand in any Act, and even our detractors
sanctions that affect civilians. court of law. Thus, they are who made us more resolute to
merely a means for the mighty fight.
I then asked him why the U.S. superpower to save face and
continued to punish politicians reputation after committing a It’s unfortunate that we didn’t
through illegal sanctions based crime against the Zimbabwean receive much support from key
on mere allegations that they people for decades. stakeholders, nevertheless, the
abuse human rights, without job is done and the economy is
trial. To this, he said he would Soon, the U.S. will be forced about to rocket.
consult the U.S. legal team to to remove these equally illegal
determine the legalities around sanctions because they are
the matter. punishment without trial,
contravening the inalienable
Hopewell then posted this Universal Bill Of Rights, written
discussion on YouTube but by the same Americans who
redacted 95% of the interaction establish them as peremptory
between the U.S. Chargé human rights laws that they now
d’Affaires and Rutendo. punish nations for violating.
Notice the hypocrisy.
In summary, ZASM’s anti-
sanctions campaign, exposing ZASM put up a good fight,
U.S. executive order sanctions and this article celebrates Rutendo Matinyarare, Founder
as violations of civilian human the work put in by our team: of Frontline Strat Marketing
rights and crimes against Simba Chitando, Nosipo Consultancy.
humanity, alongside pressure Bekani, Martha Shumba, Brain
from South Africa, the UN and Chibvongodze and Lesley
the region, was key to coercing Ramulifho.
the U.S. to remove these illegal
ISSUE 26 | APRIL 2024 53