Page 23 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 27 Final
P. 23


               in their possessions             by individuals who may          destroy the African idea

               and support stringent,           have been discontented          of patriotism, foster self-
               unrivaled economic               in their home countries.        hatred, and lead listeners
               development initiatives.         Africa should learn early       to believe that the diaspora

               The migration problem            on the value of working         is heaven. It may be
               is essentially a cosmetic        to develop its own              contended, therefore, that
               activity that is exacerbated     continent, free itself from     apart from contemporary
               by trivial routines that can     unimaginable and artificial     charismatic churches,
               be resolved amicably. The        poverty, and lessen its         indigenous spiritualists

               global talk of the strongest     reliance on outsiders as        never once supported
               currencies in the world is       a preventative measure          migration to the diaspora
               also a driving factor that       against migration.              or shunned Africa.

               is persuading Africans                                           Patriotic, holistic, and
               to migrate, and, in some         Globalization and               believing that they can
               instances, many fall into        religion, indirect factors      succeed on their own and
               the trap of being scammed        in migration                    that no one will come
               or duped by those who            Africa has a strong             to aid in their growth,

               claim to have links              spiritual heritage that is      Africans should embrace
               overseas and some end up         compelled by a strong           their identity. Should they
               being illegally trafficked       belief in its tradition,        be unable to stand, the

               and ‘banged up abroad’.          which stems from the            ship will stay docked.
               The fortunate ones are           guidance of its ancestors
               deported but some sadly          (Vadzimu/Mababu/
               end up being killed or           Amandlozi/Ndibunze),
               abused.                          who also possess

               Contrary to the assertions       supernatural control
               that the African diaspora        over nature. However,
               is superior to Africa,           the indigenous religion

               it is important to note          is widely disapproved
               that there is compelling         of by its own due to the
               evidence that some               influence of charismatic
               European citizens are            Church leaders who have
               emigrating to countries          a single message for            Zinyanga Learnmore is a
                                                                                Zimbabwean Freelance Journalist
               where they perceive              Africans: prosperity in the     and educationist. He is interested in
               economic growth                  Diaspora, not in Africa.        highlighting stories around African
                                                                                Politics and Arts and Culture.
               potential. As a result,          Instead of delivering a

               Africans are then recruited      message that fortifies and
               as cheap labor to fill in        empowers Africans to
               the labor shortages left         persevere, these sermons

                                                                                             ISSUE 27 | MAY 2024  23
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